Henrik Dahl

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Biographical information

Full Name: Henrik Dahl

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Status: Alive (incarcerated)

Age: 83 (season 3)

Birth: 1932

Race: Mythonite

Nationality: Asgardian

Origin: Asgard, New Asgard, Mythos System

Residence: Asgard, New Asgard, Mythos System

Past profession(s): King of New Asgard


* Sylvi Dahl (wife) (deceased)

* Runa Dahl (daughter)

* Eir Dahl (daughter-in-law)

* Magnus Dahl (grandson)

* Tómus Dahl (grandson)

Affiliation(s): New Asgard Royal Council (formerly)


Height: 6'0"

Age: 83 (season 3)

Weight: 196lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: AB+

The ex-king of New Asgard, Henrik Dahl, is an elderly gentleman with white, combed-over hair, fair skin, and dark brown eyes behind a pair of wire-rimmed glasses. He wears a clean-pressed black suit, a white dress shirt with a purple tie, and a gold brooch pinned to the left side of his chest. He hunches over slightly in his old age and uses a wooden cane to help with his balance.

Powers and abilities

Asgardian abilities:

* Super-strength

* Enhanced durability

* Enhanced speed

* Superhuman Stamina

* Regenerative healing factor

* Flight

* All-Speak

* Star Generation

     * Asgardians can create small orbs of light, which they call "stars" that they send up into the sky at night

* Magic


Henrik served as the King of New Asgard after his parents passed away. He ruled for many years until his wife Sylvie became very sick, and he decided to step down to take care of her. His only child Runa was crowned Queen of New Asgard following his resignation.

He spent his days with his wife, helping to care for her. Henrik ensured she got her medicine on time, never missed a doctor's appointment, and held her when the pain became unbearable.

Not once did Henrik consider turning his back on his wife. He vowed to be there for her in sickness and health, and that's what he intended to do.

When the second Ragnarök arrived, Henrik refused to leave Sylvie's side. It wasn't until the Royal Guards protecting the palace where the young and injured Asgardians were sheltered began losing that Henrik left her. But not without giving his wife a parting kiss.

Henrik would have made it longer if he'd known it would be their last.

He entrusted Valkyrie Kára Halvorsen to protect Sylvie in his place while he assisted the Royal Guard. He had known Kára for decades, and while the Valkyrie was known for her issues, he trusted her to keep his wife safe.

To this day, he still claims that was the worst decision he ever made. He will never forget finding Sylvie laid out in the throne room with an arrow piercing her heart. Henrik felt like an arrow had gone through his heart when he cradled his wife's dead body in his arms.

Henrik has never moved on from his wife's death. The grief is still as fresh as the day she died. That is why when the opportunity arose; he killed Kára to avenge his wife. Even with his bloodlust satisfied, the pain he feels from Sylvie's death hurts no less.

After Vuk escorted him to the G.I.A.'s Earth space station, he was deported to New Asgard, where he was sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison. As the ex-king, he is in a special jail and spends most of his time in his cell or the prison library, waiting for his end to arrive.

While he knows and has accepted that he will not ascend to Valhalla, he hopes Odin welcomed Sylvie into his hall and that they will see each other again someday, somewhere and somehow.

Story Information

First appeared: Valhalla Calling Thee


* Between Sylvie and him, Henrik was closer to their grandson Magnus while Sylvie was closer to Tómus

     * When Henrik was arrested for murder, his family was shocked. But out of all of them, Magnus was affected the most. He refused to speak to anyone for days, and it took Aurora threatening to get Adalet to knock some sense into him for him to start coming out of his mourning

* He and Sylvie always wanted multiple children. But after the complications with Runa, they were just happy to have a healthy baby

* His proudest moment was watching his daughter be crowned Queen of New Asgard

* When Sylvie got sick, Henrik would spend every moment he could with her. She was the love of his life, and he treasures every memory they made together

     * His greatest regret and shame is that he wasn't there for Sylvie when she died. He wishes he had never left her alone, and even if they had both died, he would have died happy because she was by his side

* He feels guilty about killing Kára, ruining his friendship with Sofía and Birgitta, and bringing shame to his family, but he does not regret killing Kára. He knows Sylvie would be disappointed in him, but his thirst for revenge has been satisfied, and that is all he wanted

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