Gustave Olofsson

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"Fuck! I thought for sure you'd blame Pandit for it!" - Gustave Olofsson

Biographical information

Full Name: Gustave Olofsson

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Status: Incarcerated

Age: 60 (season 1)

Birth: 1953

Race: Human

Nationality: Swedish

Origin: Gothenburg, Sweden


* Grimsborough, USA

* Chhattisgarh, India (formerly)

* Gothenburg, Sweden (formerly)

Profession(s): Surgeon

Affiliation(s): Switch Laboratories


Height: 6'0"

Age: 60 (season 1)

Weight: 213lbs

Eyes: green

Blood: O-

Gustave is a Swedish man with light skin, slicked-back black hair, a trim goatee and cold green eyes. He wears a wrinkle-free blue dress shirt with a black silk tie and black slacks. His dress shoes are polished to a shine, and he has an orange lab coat with a Switch Laboratories pin on the left side.

As per his suspect appearance in A Shock to the Team, it is known that Gustave eats Singhara ki Barfi and knows biology.


Gustave was the killer of his ex-boss Victoria Holt. He was a surgeon for Switch Laboratories back when it operated in India before U.N.I.T. destroyed it and the team's entire research. He knew about Victoria's plan to secretly develop custom poisons to be sold on the black market, but he didn't know about her allegiance to SOMBRA. But he enjoyed the money he was making by helping Victoria, so he never questioned who their "private investors" were.

After U.N.I.T. destroyed the laboratory, Gustave was arrested and spent several years in jail for his involvement. He hated Victoria for abandoning him and the other scientists to take the fall for her work and vowed revenge. Every day that he spent behind bars, he plotted how best to destroy the woman who destroyed his life.

After being released from prison, he moved to the United States to find new work using a secret laboratory hidden under an abandoned iPear store. But he didn't anticipate Victoria coming out of the shadows to find him and ask for his help in restarting Project Elysium. He couldn't believe that Victoria thought he would just forget about what she did to him, and he wanted to kill her right then and there.

But he decided to wait and see if Project Elysium could be restarted before he eliminated her. If they could resume their work, Gustave would become rich again. But he wouldn't let Victoria leave him under a destroyed building this time. Instead, she would be the one taking the fall. So when he found out that Victoria had located Nathan Pandit, the man who had helped destroy Switch Laboratories and who had the key to recreating their work, he knew victory was within reach.

So, Gustave and Victoria created a plan to kidnap Nathan and take him away from Grimsborough. But Victoria deviated from the plan and tried to take Nathan behind Gustave's back. When the Swed found out, he was furious and was even more enraged when he discovered that Nathan had escaped his kidnapping, leaving Victoria unconscious in Gustave's laboratory.

While he was angry at Victoria for the betrayal, Gustave saw this as the perfect opportunity to kill her and take Nathan himself. He tied Victoria to a chair and connected jumper cables to it and the fuse box for the shop's neon sign. With a flip of a switch, Gustave watched as Victoria was electrocuted to a crisp.

Gustave left her body there, uncaring if anyone found it, too confident in himself to think he would be caught. But he was caught, and he cursed the police for sending him back to prison. He would never regain his lost wealth or get revenge on Nathan for the part he played in ruining his life. Now, he would spend the rest of his life behind bars, a poor, sad excuse for a once-famous surgeon.

Story Information

First appeared: A Shock to the Team


* I think I was referencing Gaston from Beauty and the Beast when I designed him, but I'm not positive about that! It's been too long since I created him to remember...;-;

* When Jones punched him during the arrest for claiming no one would miss Nathan, he broke Gustave's nose

A/N: So I have recently had another burst of inspiration for writing OC profiles and will post my completed ones over the next week-ish. But a bit of forwarding, these OCs are ones I remember little to nothing about, so for the most part, their synopsizes will be basic information from their chapter, and they won't have much trivia.

That being said, enjoy yelling at the hated OCs, mourning the dead good ones, hating the bad dead ones and whatever else you feel towards them!

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