Tómus Dahl

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"Come on, I would like to have a dance with my sister!" - Tómus Dahl

Biographical information

Full Name: Tómus Dahl

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Demisexual

Status: Alive

Age: 22

Birth: 1993

Race: Mythonite

Nationality: Asgardian

Origin: New Asgard, Mythos System

Residence: New Asgard, Mythos System

Profession(s): Crown prince of New Asgard


Runa Dahl (mother)

* Eir Dahl (mother)

* Magnus Dahl (older brother)

* Adalet (Anders) Sadik-Halvorsen (older sister/brother, not blood-related)

* Henrik Dahl (grandfather) (incarcerated)

* Sylvi Dahl (grandmother) (deceased)

Affiliation(s): New Asgard Royal Council


Height: 6'2"

Age: 22

Weight: 200 lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: B-

While younger by five years, Tómus, is taller than his brother Magnus standing at over six feet tall with a leaner build, much like a runner or gymnast may have. He has almost the same complexion as his brother, but with no freckles and he has short black hair that is curly like Eir's hair. He has Runa's warm brown eyes behind a pair of black-framed glasses and a golden symbol of the god Loki, two snakes circling each other forming an S symbol and biting the tail of the other, on his inner right forearm.

Tómus normally wears business-casual style clothes. This includes black dress pants, a green button-up shirt that he rolls the sleeves of up with a darker green tie, a black vest, and black dress shoes.

Powers and Abilities

Asgardian abilities:


* Enhanced durability

* Enhanced speed

* Superhuman Stamina

* Regenerative healing factor

* Flight

* All-Speak

* Star generation

     * Asgardians can create small orbs of light which they call "stars" that they send up into the sky at night

* Magic

Powers gained from wielding Lævateinn (Loki's sceptre):

Illusion Manipulation

     * Can create and manipulate illusions

*Decoy Manipulation

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