Eir Dahl

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"Adalet no impaling your brother, Magnus, stop teasing your sister on her wedding day!" - Eir

Biographical information

Full Name: Eir Dahl

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Status: Alive

Age: 58 (season 2)

Birth: 1957

Race: Mythonite

Nationality: Asgardian

Origin: Vanaheim, New Asgard


* Asgard, New Asgard

* Vanaheim, New Asgard (formerly)

Profession(s): Queen of New Asgard


* Runa Dahl (wife)

* Magnus Dahl (son)

* Tómus Dahl (son)

* Heimdall Sadik-Halvorsen (brother-in-law)

* Adalet (Anders) Sadik-Halvorsen (niece/nephew)

* Henrik Dahl (father-in-law) (incarcerated)

* Sylvi Dahl (mother-in-law) (deceased)

Affiliation(s): New Asgard Royal Council


Height: 5'6"

Age: 58 (season 2)

Weight: 150lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: B-

Eir is a woman of average height with long, curly red hair the colour of fall leaves that is beginning to lighten with age, warm brown eyes, and fair skin adorned with freckles. She can normally be seen wearing a drape-style brown dress ending just above her ankles, dark green heels and a forest green cardigan. She also wears dangling star earrings and a circle-style tiara just like Runa wears but Eir's tiara has blue jewels that match her wife's eyes.

Powers and Abilities

Asgardian abilities:

* Super-strength

* Enhanced durability

* Enhanced speed

* Superhuman Stamina

* Regenerative healing factor

* Flight

* All-Speak

* Star Generation

     * Asgardians can create small orbs of light which they call "stars" that they send up into the sky at night

* Magic


Eir grew up on Vanaheim surrounded by the woods and a large lake connected to the ocean. Her family was well known for the customer, hand-crafted furniture and houses they'd build all across New Asgard. Eir is no stranger to carpentry and if you give her a design, she can probably build it!

She met Runa by chance (Runa calls it destiny) and the two were wed a few years later. Eir never imagined herself becoming a princess and later a queen but no matter how lavish her lifestyle has become, she'll always treasure growing up in the woods of Vanaheim. In fact, she was the one who suggested Magnus and Tómus go to school with the local children of Asgard. She wanted her boys to connect with the people in a way that private tutoring would prevent.

Eir remembers the sleepless nights she had after each of her children were born. Especially Magnus and Adalet since no one had planned for having two babies at the same time! But despite the extended periods she'd go without sleep, she cherishes every second she got to spend with her babies.

When Magnus told her that he was going to be proposing to Aurora, Eir couldn't contain her excitement. Aurora had been a friend of Magnus and Adalet's since elementary school, always either keeping the twins out of trouble or getting dragged along for the ride! She always secretly hoped her son would marry Aurora, and her wish will soon come true!

While she is going to miss them when Magnus and Aurora move to Earth permanently, she would never stop any of her children from pursuing their dreams. Besides, they can still visit each other and Magnus promises to message, video call, and send her pictures as often as he can so she can keep up to date with his life on Earth.

Events of Criminal Case

Season 2

Like any good mother, Eir helped get Adalet ready for her wedding to Fili. She also prevented Adalet from killing Magnus after he teased his twin too much. Eir wishes she could say it was the only time she's ever had to stop any of her children from threatening to maim or kill each other, but she would be lying if she did...

Story Information

First appeared: Tying the Knot


* She found out she was pregnant with Magnus when Heimdall told her he heard an extra heart beating inside her

     * Likewise, she learned she was pregnant with Tómus when Adalet asked her why she had two hearts inside her

* All of her children adored playing with her hair when they were little, even Magnus despite them sharing the same shade of red hair

* She is not only the second Queen of New Asgard but also the Queen of DIYs!

     * Loves recycling and repurposing items and giving them new life

     * She is forbidden from learning about Pinterest

          * Seriously, do NOT show her the app, she will successfully make every DIY project she can find

* She taught Magnus to use axes as his primary weapon. Eir spent a lot of time when she was younger chopping wood and still does. Magnus always found it interesting to watch and decided that he wanted to learn how to use battle axes when he was old enough

     * They've even entered axe-throwing competitions together as a mother-son team, they have several awards they've won over the years

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