Anna Hansson

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"Ingrid! Oh! It's been too long!" - Anna Hansson

Biographical information

Full Name: Anna Hansson

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Status: Alive

Age: 47 (season 3)

Birth: 1969

Race: Human

Nationality: Swedish

Origin: Stockholm, Sweden


* McMurdo Station

* Stockholm, Sweden (formerly)

Profession(s): McMurdo Station Coordinator


* Ingrid Bjorn (cousin)

* Unnamed daughter

* Unnamed children

* Christopher Hanson (brother) (incarcerated)

* Yasemin Hanson (sister-in-law) (deceased)

* Ahmet Savage (nephew)


* Christopher Scott (boyfriend)

* Emil Gunnarsson (ex-husband) (deceased)

Affiliation(s): McMurdo Station


Height: 5'6"

Age: 47 (season 3)

Weight: 147lbs

Eyes: blue

Blood: A+

Hailing from Stockholm, Sweden, Anna is Ingrid's cousin. She has freckles dotted across her rosy cheeks and fair skin, with medium-length auburn hair braided into a single braid while bangs frame her icy blue eyes.

During her suspect appearance in Death Below Zero, Anna wore black ski pants pulled over insulated orange boots, an orange thermal coat, and a black puffer vest. She also has a gold neck with a pale blue diamond pendant (a gift from her boyfriend), white earmuffs, and black gloves to keep her warm. As per this suspect appearance, it is known that Anna eats ice cream, has survival training, and is in contact with penguins.


The older cousin of Ingrid, Anna, is the coordinator/manager for McMurdo Station.

Anna and Ingrid grew up together and have always been close; Anna views Ingrid as more of a sibling than her own brother. She has always looked out for the younger woman, and in return, Ingrid promises to always be there for Anna.

Anna met Emil at university. At first, it felt like a fairytale romance. He was smart, funny, handsome, and kind. Emil made Anna feel like a princess, and she loved every moment they shared. They married a couple of years after graduation and later had their first child.

But it was in marriage that Anna's fairytale life slowly turned into a nightmare. Suddenly, she couldn't do anything right, and Emil criticized everything she did. He belittled her for not making his coffee eight, for incorrectly ironing his clothes, and he'd even yell at her if she forgot to do the dishes. Anna tried to do whatever Emil wanted so he would be happy, but every time she thought she'd finally mastered everything, a new problem would arise.

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