Fiona Gillmor

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"Think the cook left something in (the oven) too long . . . so would you like some waffles?" - Fiona Gillmor

Biographical information

Full Name: Fiona Gillmor

Gender: Demigirl

Sexuality: Lesbian

Status: Incarcerated

Age: 18 (season 1)

Birth: 1995

Race: Human

Nationality: American

Origin: Old Town, Grimsborough, USA

Residence: Old Town, Grimsborough, USA

Profession(s): Waitress


* Unnamed parents

* Unnamed younger siblings

Affiliation(s): Schuyler Diner


Height: 5'3"

Age: 18 (season 1)

Weight: 139lbs

Eyes: green

Blood: O+

Fiona is a short girl with pale, freckled skin and long orange-red hair tied into two pigtails. She wears blue jeans, a green hoodie, and matching green ribbons in her hair.

As per her suspect appearance in Harvest Murder, it is known that Fiona drinks coffee and eats pumpkin pie.


Fiona was the killer of Gray White in Harvest Murder. She was a waitress at the Schuyler Diner, where Gray was the cook. She had been working there since she was sixteen and planned to move away for university after saving up some money. She enjoyed working at the diner; the patrons were friendly and gave great tips. If only her coworkers weren't so horrible...

Everyone Fiona worked with was terrific except for Gray. The cook was arrogant and always made lewd comments toward her when no one was listening. She asked him to stop several times, but he wouldn't, and when she told her boss, they said they would watch Gray but couldn't fire him without any proof.

So, Fiona tried to avoid Gray and never be alone with him. But one night, when she, Gray, and the manager were closing the diner, the manager got a call about their mother being taken to the emergency department and had to leave. This left Fiona and Gray to close the diner, but Gray had other plans in mind for their newfound alone time...

Gray forced Fiona into the kitchen and held her down on the metal island as he tried to get her clothes off. Fiona struggled against the assault and tried to kick Gray off her, but the man was built like a wall and wouldn't budge. Somehow she managed to grab a rolling pin and slammed it against Gray's head.

The blow disoriented Gray, and he crashed to the ground, hitting his head against the counter as he fell, knocking himself out. Fiona thought she had killed him when she saw he wasn't moving and panicked. In her distraught state, she realized she had to dispose of Gray's body. So she stuffed him into the diner's oven and turned the heat to its highest setting, leaving Gray to burn.

But she didn't find out until after her arrest that Gray had been alive when he went into the oven. Fiona couldn't believe he was dead because she hadn't checked for a pulse. Maybe if she had, he would have been the one arrested and sent to prison...

Story Information

First appeared: Harvest Murder


* I think I was referencing Fiona from Shrek when I was designing her, but don't quote me on that!

* Her workplace, The Schuyler Diner, references the Schuyler Sisters from Hamilton. I was obsessed with the musical back then

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