Deniz Sadik

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"Tell you what, Ahmet, you let your parents keep looking at those pictures and I'll find some embarrassing pictures of Anders for you to get back at him with." - Deniz Sadik

Biographical information

Full Name: Deniz Sadik

Alias(es): Badar (codename)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Status: Alive

Age: 81 (season 3)

Birth: 1934

Race: Human

Nationality: Turkish

Origin: Istanbul, Turkey

Residence: Istanbul, Turkey

Past profession(s): G.I.A. Agent


* Maria Sadik (wife)

* Aslan Sadik-Halvorsen (son)

* Heimdall Sadik-Halvorsen (son-in-law)

* Adalet (Anders) Sadik-Halvorsen (grandchild)

* Ahmet Savage (great-grandson)

* Fili Savage (grandson-in-law)

Affiliation(s): G.I.A.


Height: 6'0"

Age: 81 (season 3)

Weight: 180lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: AB+

A born and bred Turk, Deniz Sadik is the husband of Maria and father of Aslan. He is where his son got his looks from. He is a tall, elderly man with a deep skin tone, neatly combed gray hair and a small beard. He also has off-white framed glasses in front of his dark brown eyes. He wears a dark green dress shirt and a dark red tie, brown pants held up by black suspenders and black shoes.


Deniz was born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey as the only child of his parents. Both of his parents worked for the G.I.A and this goes back for generations. If you trace his lineage back far enough you will find that one of his ancestors was a founding member of the Earth Branch of the G.I.A centuries ago.

Deniz spent his life serving the G.I.A and was partnered with a man from the Xandar branch, Zavier Valt, Vuk Zima's father. The two worked well together and were the best of friends until Zavier died in his late 70s. Deniz was also close to the man's son, Vuk, who was a few years older than Aslan.

One of Deniz's most memorable missions with Zavier was when they escorted an alien through Rio de Janeiro. All was going well until Deniz stepped away for five minutes to make a phone call and somehow Zavier had lost the alien in the crowd or carnival patrons. Deniz had seriously considered wringing his partner by his neck for somehow losing an entire adult alien!

They eventually managed to track down the alien dancing with the most beautiful dancer in the carnival (Deniz's words, Zavier just smirked knowingly). They managed to keep Maria from freaking out when they told her the truth and agreed to help her join the G.I.A. The three remained close and Zavier thought he was going to have to lock the two lovebirds in a closet to get them to realize their feelings for each other. Thankfully, it never came to that but it was close.

Deniz would proudly watch his wife become Ambassador of Earth and stood with her at every event, meeting, or party she attended. The two travelled the universe together, with Aslan joining them after he was born, and made many memories together that they will always treasure. But, all good things must come to an end and the couple retired to Turkey during their late 60s to relax and spend the rest of their days together.

Events of Criminal Case

Season 2

Deniz was among the people in attendance at Fili and Adalet's wedding. He is not ashamed to admit that he cried watching his granddaughter walk down the aisle, it reminded him of when Aslan had gotten married. Deniz had cried just as much if not more the day he gave his son away but despite all the tears he will never regret letting go of Aslan that day.

Season 3

After the Bureau had finished investigating the murder of Cybele Flores, Deniz and Maria visited their friend Hazan for coffee and homemade chocolate. He helped to explain to Hazan that Ahmet had been adopted by Adalet and Fili, and after Aslan, Carmen, and Jack had left; he and Maria told Hazan about the existence of aliens.


G.I.A. (Retired)

Rank: Agent

Story Information

First appeared: Tying the Knot


* Deniz shares his name with a real-life friend of mine from Turkey who also helped to inspire Adalet's Turkish heritage

* His codename Badar means full moon

     * People always said that he and Maria chose their code names to match each other. It's just a coincidence since Deniz had his codename for a few years before Maria even joined the G.I.A

* He can be fiercely protective of his family especially if someone is attacking or harassing one of them

* Zavier was the best man at his wedding. Likewise, Deniz was the best man at Zavier's wedding

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