Heimdall Sadik-Halvorsen

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"He (Aslan) calls me 70% of his impulse control." - Heimdall Sadik-Halvorsen

Biographical information

Full Name: Heimdall Sadik-Halvorsen


* Watcher

* Dall

* Gözlerim (means "my eyes" in Turkish)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Status: Alive

Age: 59 (season 2)

Birth: 1956

Race: Mythonite

Nationality: Asgardian

Origin: New Asgard, Mythos System


* Istanbul, Turkey

* Montreal, Canada (formerly)


* Aslan Sadik-Halvorsen (husband)

* Adalet Anders Sadik-Halvorsen (child)

* Birgitta Halvorsen (mother)

* Soffía Halvorsen (mother)

* Kára Halvorsen (sister) (deceased)

*Brage Halvorsen (sibling)

* Fili Savage (son-in-law)

* Ahmet Savage (grandson)

* Clover Savage (grandchild) (deceased)

* Deniz Sadik (father-in-law)

* Maria Sadik (mother-in-law)


* New Asgard Royal Council

* GIA - New Asgard Branch


Height: 6'0"

Age: 59 (season 2)

Weight: 185 lbs

Eyes: gold

Blood: O-

Heimdall is a tall man with a strong build and a slightly lighter skin tone than his husband's. He has long black dreadlocks that reach just past his shoulders and is beginning to go grey at the roots. He has a short salt and pepper beard wrapped around his jaw, and his eyes have a unique colouring; an ombre mixture of gold, copper, and bronze.

He normally wears a light brown, hooded trench coat over top of a red button-up shirt and a grey undershirt, jeans, and combat boots. He wears silver stud earrings and a chain with three GIA dog tags on it; one is his, another is Aslan's, and the last belongs to Adalet. He also has silver bands clasped around his dreads that if you look close enough, you can see Nordic runs engraved into them.

During Out of This World Murder, Heimdall wore a red cloak with a New Asgard planet pin holding it in place, a black long-sleeved tunic with a red sash around his waist, black pants and dark boots

His GIA communicator/miniature computer is a bronze pocket watch. When it's clicked open, and he holds his thumb to the glass, it activates the device and he can use it to have a video call with anyone within the GIA or use it as a computer to research nearly anything in the universe.

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