Cybele Floros

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Biographical information

Full Name: Cybele Floros

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Polysexual

Status: Deceased

Age: 27 (season 3)

Birth: 1988

Race: Gorgon

Cause of Death: Decapitation

Nationality: Olympian

Origin: Olympus, Mythos System

Residence: Olympus, Mythos System


* Evangelos Kontos (boyfriend)

* Adalet (Anders) Sadik-Halvorsen (ex-girlfriend/boyfriend)


Height: 5'6"

Age: 27 (season 3)

Weight: 157lbs

Eyes: green

Blood: S-

Cybele Flores was a Boa Constrictor Gorgon from the planet Olympus. She was a woman of average height and size with pale green snake eyes and fair skin. Instead of having hair, she had over a dozen small boa constrictors growing out of her scalp, each just as alive as she was. She also had a small set of fanged teeth and roundish brown eyebrows. While never seen, Cybele had a grayscale tattoo of a pair of boa constrictor eyes across her shoulder blades.

At the time of her death, she was wearing a purple dress with a brown cardigan, knee-high brown boots, and silver bracelets on his wrists. She also put on a matching purple beanie to hide her snakes and blacked-out sunglasses to cover her eyes.

Powers and abilities

Gorgon Powers:

Petrifying Gaze

* Able to turn a person to stone through eye contact. Rarely done involuntarily

* She could also turn inanimate objects into stone by looking at them. Also rarely done involuntarily


* She could also hypnotize anyone through eye contact

Venom Generation

* Her body generated a paralyzing venom that could inject into someone's bloodstream through her fangs or her snakes' fangs

Talon Potrution

* Cybele was capable of elongating her nails into talon-like claws

Protective Scales

* She could cover her skin in scales that were stronger than steel and could withstand attacks including bullets, acid, fire, and lasers

Super Strength

* While all gorgons have increased strength compared to humans, boa constrictor gorgons like Cybele are even stronger due to their natural compressive nature


Cybele was Adalet's first girlfriend after returning to New Asgard. Mutual friends introduced them, and everything seemed great at first. They went on dates to the movies and restaurants and travelled on trips together. While some of Adalet's family and friends weren't impressed by Cybele, Adalet loved the woman.

When they had been dating for over a year, major problems arose. Cybele became very clingy and didn't like Adalet going anywhere without telling her first. Cybele needed to know where Adalet was and what her girlfriend was doing at all times, and it got to an obsessive point.

Magnus and Aurora convinced Adalet to break up with Cybele. The Hybrid didn't want to at first, but after being separated from Cybele for a while, she realized how possessive her girlfriend had been. She cut Cybele out of her life and refused to take the woman back, no matter what Cybele said or did to try and get her back.

Eventually, Cybele moved on from her obsession with Adalet. She dated numerous people over the following years until she met Evangelos Kontos. To some, it seemed like Cybele had finally found someone to settle down with.

Oh, how wrong those people were!

Cybele regularly cheated on Evangelos behind his back. She was even planning on breaking up with him once they returned to Olympus after their vacation to Earth. The only reason she had even agreed to go to Earth was because Evangelos convinced her to see Greece and learn about the human interpretation of Greek Mythology.

While on the flight to Earth, Evangelos got talking to Aurora Toivonen. While Aurora didn't know that Cybele was on the flight, she did know that the hundred-eyed man was dating her. Not wanting the man to get hurt and to find someone better for himself, Aurora confessed to having heard rumours about Cybele cheating on him.

With rage brewing inside, Evangelos thanked Aurora for her honesty and silently vowed to confront Cybele when they landed. A part of him refused to believe she would cheat, so he needed to hear it from her to be sure.

Cybele was confronted about her commitment issues when they reached Turkey. To Evangelos's shock, Cybele laughed at him as she confessed to having cheated. She told him all about her affairs and how she couldn't wait to break up with him after the trip.

Evangelos, who had planned to propose to his girlfriend in Greece, took the engagement ring out to show her how much he loved her. Cybele turned the ring to stone and threw it on the ground, shattering it to pieces while continuing to mock her boyfriend.

Now blinded by shame and anger, Evangelos took out his new energy sword and decapitated Cybele before she could even blink. He will never forget the look of fear permanently frozen on Cybele's face as her head rolls on the ground away from her body. While killing her brought him some sick satisfaction, Evangelos still loves Cybele and regrets murdering her.

Story Information

First appeared: Stonehearted


* If Cybele had actual hair, it would have been dark brown

* While her snakes had their own minds, Cybele could control them. The snakes mostly moved around aimlessly when not controlled

* Hated the cold. Back when they dated, if Adalet wanted Cybele to leave her alone, the only guaranteed method was to lower her body temperature. This forced Cybele to let Adalet go and seek out warmth

* Loved Greek mythology. If anyone bad-mouthed it or claimed another mythology was superior, they would soon find themselves turned into a statue and would stay that way until Cybele decided to un-stone them

* Cybele could reverse the petrification at any time by looking into the statue's eyes. Or by dousing them in water from Medusa's Cove: an underground lake located below the Temple of Medusa on Olympus

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