Gray White

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Biographical information

Full Name: Gray White

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Status: Deceased

Age: 34 (season 1)

Birth: 1979

Race: Human

Cause of Death: Cooked to death in an oven

Nationality: American

Origin: Spring Fields, Grimsborough, USA

Residence: Spring Fields, Grimsborough, USA


* Cook

* Drug Dealer

Family: Sarah White (daughter)

Partner(s): Flora Holloway (ex-wife)

Affiliation(s): Schuyler Diner


Height: 6'0"

Age: 34 (season 1)

Weight: 196lbs

Eyes: hazel

Blood: O-

Gray was a tall, bulky man with fair skin and short black hair. He had hazel eyes, the left of which had a spider web-like scar curving it. He usually wore jeans, a white tank top, and sneakers.


Gray White was the victim of Harvest Murder.

He was born and raised in Grimsborough on a small farm in Spring Fields. As a child, he enjoyed playing with the animals and helping his parents care for their crops. But as he got older, he longed for a different life. He wanted to live in the city and become a famous football player.

He attended local public schools, where he met and befriended David Jones. The two got along well, playing sports together and hanging out around Grimsborough. Gray was a rougher kid than David was, but the two still enjoyed the other's company.

In high school, they were on the football team together. David was quarterback, while Gray played defensive end. Gray watched his friend's back and protected him from the opposing team while David scored their touchdowns. In return, David helped Gray in school as the other struggled with his academics.

But the friendship wouldn't last... The football team discovered that sports scouts from some of the best universities were going to attend the final game, and the players would have the chance of getting picked for full-paid scholarships. Gray knew this was his ticket to a better life but would never get picked by playing defensive end. So he planted steroids in David's locker and left an anonymous note for their coach.

The coach immediately kicked David off the team without giving the teenager a chance to defend himself. Gray took David's place as quarterback for the final game and won a scholarship to an out-of-state university. He moved away from Grimsborough, leaving behind his old life and an angry ex-best friend.

In university, he struggled to pass his classes. Even with tutors, he never seemed to be able to get ahead. He was also constantly worrying about his finances. Despite having a fully paid scholarship, Gray still had other expenses to pay for, and his savings were quickly running out. He had no spare time for a part-time job, so he found a different way to support himself.

Selling drugs for Heather Queen.

But unlike his other devious plans, this one wouldn't pay off. He got away with selling the drugs for a little while, but one night he was caught and arrested by the police. After being released, he was kicked out of school and forced to move back to Grimsborough. Sadly, his parents refused to let him move back in unless he changed his ways, so Gray moved into the trailer park.

Years later, he met Flora Holloway when the young woman was on school break from university. The two began dating, with Gray keeping his drug dealing job a secret, using his delivery driver job as a cover. The two later married and had a daughter whom they named Sarah. Shortly after Sarah's first birthday, Flora learned how her husband made money.

Flora was outraged and demanded a divorce. Gray tried to fight it, but his criminal record helped Flora win the case. She also won full custody of Sarah, and Gray was stripped of his visitation rights. Gray's only consolation was that Flora didn't get the house since it was in his name, so she had to move into the trailer park until she could establish herself and save some money.

Gray later changed jobs and began working as a cook at the Schuyler Diner. He wasn't the best employee, but he made good food and didn't hurt anyone, so the owners kept him around. But Gray was bitter about his divorce and losing his daughter and took his anger out on those around him.

In the week leading up to his murder, Gray angered many people. He had attacked his ex-wife to try and scare her into letting him see Sarah, but that only resulted in her calling the cops and him spending the night in jail. He also lost his second job at the Lilium Hope Centre. He was a horrible employee and was suspected of storing drugs inside the facility, so Tom Hunt fired him.

Additionally, Gray stole expensive earrings from Heather Queen, the drug queen he sold drugs for. He wanted to sell them and make some quick cash, but he never made it to the pawn shop... He also attempted to sexually assault his teenage coworker Fiona. He had threatened to hurt the woman's siblings if she didn't sleep with him, but Fiona continued to refuse.

But Gray didn't back down without a fight. The night of his murder, he and Fiona were helping to close the restaurant when the owner suddenly had to leave, leaving them alone. Gray saw this as his chance to finally be with Fiona, and he forced her into the kitchen. Fiona fought back against Gray and hit him in the head with a rolling pin before he could get her clothes off.

After Gray was knocked unconscious, Fiona panicked, thinking she had killed him. In her frazzled state, she tried to get rid of his body so no one would know what she'd done. She stuffed Gray into the kitchen's largest oven and turned it to the hottest setting. The smell was extremely nauseating, so Fiona left the restaurant while Gray's body burned away to ash.

But unknown to Fiona, Gray was still alive when she put him into the oven. He awoke inside after Fiona had left but couldn't open the door. He banged on the glass crying for help, but no one was around to hear him scream. And so, Gray succumbed to the blazing heat, and his body cooked until it was only a burnt carcass.

Story Information

First appeared: Harvest Murder


* His name is a colour pun

* He was a smoker

* He abused his ex-wife but never hurt his daughter; Sarah was the only person he truly loved and cared about. The little girl could always put a smile on her father's face

* He used to get medication to help manage his daughter's epilepsy illegally. Neither he nor Flora could afford the medication legally 

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