Slade Masters

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Biographical information

Full Name: Slade Masters

Alias(es): Deathstar

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Status: Deceased

Age: 73 (season 3)

Birth: 1943

Race: Human

Cause of Death: Shot five times - lungs, throat, head, and heart

Nationality: American

Origin: Nevada, USA


* Botswana, Africa

* Nevada, USA (formerly)


* Mercenary

* Hunting Instructor

Past profession(s): G.I.A. Agent



* Moremi Game Reserve

* G.I.A. (formerly)


Height: 6'0"

Age: 73 (season 3)

Weight: 240lbs

Eyes: blue

Blood: AB+

Hailing from Nevada, USA, Slade was a mercenary in his early seventies and was tall with a fit physique. He had blue eyes, short white hair on the sides, with the top half longer and combed to the right, and his tanned skin was riddled with scars and wrinkles. Slade wore light brown khaki shorts, a white t-shirt under a light-brown vest, dark brown hiking boots, and work gloves.


Slade was the victim of Star of Death.

He was an ex-G.I.A. Agent who left the agency when his secret mercenary life was discovered. He had secretly begun his illegal work in his late twenties after he started accepting bribes from criminals to "look the other way." His work quickly evolved, and soon he agreed to do dangerous missions for the galaxy's most wanted criminals.

One of these missions was from the Curator. Slade was hired to collect and return the Curator's prized hybrid, Goldie. Slade knew the mission would result in his double life being revealed, but he was tired of pretending to be the good guy and was ready to embrace his criminal life.

After successfully capturing Goldie and delivering it to the Curator, Slade joined the criminal underworld. He travelled the galaxy, causing mayhem wherever he went. He would do anything for the right price, from stealing to killing. He became renowned and feared for his work and relished in the spotlight.

But then the G.I.A. took down the illegal hybrid fighting circuit. And with the Curator going into hiding, Slade needed to become more careful, or in his case, paranoid. He evaded his ex-agency for decades, but as jobs became more scarce, he realized he couldn't run forever.

And so, Slade went to the one place he knew the G.I.A. would never think to look for him, Earth. He hid in plain sight and became a hunting instructor in Botswana under the disguise of being ex-military. But hunting animals for sport could not satisfy his bloodlust.

One day, Salde was approached by a member of an organization known as SOMBRA. The person told Slade of SOMBRA's mission to rid the world of the weak so that the strong would rule, and Slade saw this as the perfect opportunity to create a place where he would be revered for his work. He accepted the job offer and immediately began receiving orders for missions to carry out on SOMBRA's behalf.

Slade's most challenging mission for SOMBRA was to capture Bureau agent Fili Savage. According to SOMBRA's mole, Fili contained the secret to the original enhancement formula inside his DNA. With that formula, SOMBRA would be able to create an army of super soldiers who would help bring about the new age of humanity. Slade was surprised to learn that Fili was married to the hybrid Goldie, but he would enjoy torturing the hybrid by taking away its mate.

Capturing Fili was difficult as Slade didn't know what kind of species the blond was a defendant of, but he had fought enough plant-based aliens to know how to defeat the nature attacks. He took great satisfaction in beating Fili and took him to SOMBRA's secret island, where Metcalf could perform his tests and experiments.

Slade stayed on the island to assist in controlling Fili (now named Hemlock). He would punish the soldier when he misbehaved or when Hemlock needed a reminder of who he belonged to. He found the younger man's screams soothing and loved the little whimpers Hemlock made. All he needed was Goldie to torture beside its mate, and Slade would be a happy man.

When Salde learned that the Bureau had succeeded in saving Hemlock, he was pissed. He told Metcalf that sending Hemlock after the Bureau was a stupid idea, but the blue man hadn't listened to him! And now that Hemlock was under the protection of the Bureau and U.N.I.T, SOMBRA would never be able to get their hands on their soldier any time soon.

And so, Slade took on other missions for SOMBRA. While away on a mission, he would learn of Metcalf's death and the destruction of SOMBRA island. Slade wasn't surprised that Metcalf got himself killed, but he grew angrier at the Bureau for the loss of the island. He vowed to help the mole take them down from the inside and began plotting ways to take out Goldie.


But Salde would never get to see his plans get put into action. The G.I.A. discovered his presence on Earth, and he was executed while having his morning coffee. He had just milliseconds to feel a hand ripping his force field generator from his heart and caught sight of golden eyes shining in the morning light as the five bullets hit their targets.

Slade never saw the bullets coming, and he died before his body hit the ground.


G.I.A. (formerly)

Rank: Agent

Story Information

First appeared: Star of Death


* His name is a combination of two characters: Slade Wilson (DC) and Vlad Masters (Danny Phantom)

* His obsession with the word Jericho was inspired by Slade Wilson's son Joseph Wilson a.k.a. Jericho

* He had a special device implanted in his heart after leaving the G.I.A. The device created a force field around his organs to protect them from harm

* His alias and the title of the case he appeared in are a reference to the Death Star from Star Wars

* He was Vuk's mentor

* He enjoyed betting on illegal hybrid fights and visiting intergalactic brothels

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