Justine Dawson

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"Not guilty, your honour! I was simply bringing justice to my family's name after the disgrace the Flying Squad did to it!" - Justine Dawson

Biographical information

Full Name: Justine Dawson

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Status: Incarcerated

Age: 42 (season 3)

Birth: 1974

Race: Human

Nationality: American

Origin: Pacific Bay


* Concordia

* Pacific Bay (formerly)

Profession(s): Lawyer

Family: Justine Lawson (indirect ancestor)


* Concordia Courthouse

* Pacific Bay Courthouse (formerly)


Height: 5'5"

Age: 42 (season 2)

Weight: 153lbs

Eyes: blue

Blood: O-

Hailing from Concordia, Justine is a blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman who followed in her ancestor's footsteps and became a lawyer. In her debut, she wore a black pantsuit and purple-framed glasses.

During her suspect appearance in Death of Our Past, Justine had her hair pulled up into a bun, kept her purple glasses and wore an outfit similar to her late ancestor: a beige suit, a white dress shirt, a dark vest and a gray tie.

As per her suspect appearance in Death From The Past, it is known that Justine visits the opera, has read The Concordia Flying Squad: History of Justice, and drinks wine.


Justine is a minor character who appeared in Hanson vs. Savage and Death From The Past.

During Hanson vs. Savage, she served as the lawyer for Christoper and Yasemin Hanson in the custody battle for Ahmet Savage. Justine had a reputation for being vicious in the courtroom and hadn't lost a trial in over five years. Other lawyers feared going up against her, and clients wanted her to represent them. If they could afford her, that is.

Which meant that Justine was confident that she would win the trial against Adalet and Fili. So you can imagine the shock and anger she felt when Judge Dante decreed that her clients were in the wrong and took away their parental rights. Not only did she lose the trial, but her reputation plummeted to the point where no one would hire her.

Desperate to rebuild her reputation, Justine moved to Concordia, the first in her family to do so for generations. Now, in a place where people didn't know her, she opened a new law firm and began working again. Things were going well, and Justine was happy with her new life. Then, one day, she heard about a new museum that would be opening in the old Flying Squad airship to honour the team of investigators from the past.

Justine immediately saw this as a chance to redeem her family's name after it had been disgraced for so long. She submitted a request to have her ancestor featured in the museum for his work with the Flying Squad as a lawyer, judge, and city mayor. But to her dismay, her request was denied by Andrew Bontemps on the grounds that her ancestor did not deserve to be honoured, given the nightmare he had put Concordia through during his reign as mayor.

Getting that refusal letter enraged Justine. How DARE another Bontemps try and destroy her family name and her ancestor's legacy! Andrew's ancestor might have been a Flying Squad detective, but hers had been the mayor! Hers had ruled Concordia and was going to bring it into a new age of life and justice!

Justine would not stand for such disrespect. So, she stole Issac Bontemps's gun from the museum's storage and followed Andrew until it was the perfect time to strike. She cornered him on the airship and shot him in his heart, just as Issac had done to her ancestor over a hundred years ago. Finally, she had gotten revenge for the suffering her family had endured because of the Flying Squad.

But she would not get to celebrate her victory. Justine would be arrested and sentenced for her crime. For the first time in her life, she found herself on the opposite side of the bench and felt dread set in as the Judge declared she would spend the rest of her life in prison. But Justine kept her head held high and continued to proclaim her innocence, citing that she was merely claiming the debt the Bontemps family and the Flying Squad owed her for what happened to her ancestor.

At least people will continue to learn about the true history of Concordia and how the Flying Squad made it a better place. But if anyone wants to hear about the "true" hero of the city, they can visit the local prison and listen to Justine's ranting...

Story Information

First appeared: Smart Money


* Initially, she was just supposed to be a parody of Justin Lawson. But, it was suggested that I make her an indirect descendant (you know who you are!), so I found a way to make it happen!

* Her surname, Dawson, exists because one of her ancestors changed it from Lawson to Dawson to try and escape the association with the Concordian dictator they were related to

* She was the first person in her family to move back to Concordia after her great-grandparents moved away to escape the hate following their family

* Frankly, I designed her with the purpose of her being a snotty bitch. I like to think I succeeded!

A/N: And we are caught up on requested OCs again! I have officially closed requests for season 1 and 2 OCs since, at this point, it's too hard for me to create designs and profiles for them, and once I finish season 3, I would like to be able to focus on current season OCs while writing seasons 4-8.

Of course, until I start season 4, you can request profiles for season 3 OCs. So, if there are any of my more recent OCs that you would like to see profiles for, you can submit the request in the "OCs Without Profiles" chapter of this book.

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