Terrance Zimmerman

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"A pleasure to meet you! Anders has told me a lot about you! It's an honour to meet some of the Bureau's finest agents!" - Terrance Zimmerman

Biographical information

Full Name: Terrance Zimmerman

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heteosexual

Status: Deceased

Age: 66 (season 3)

Birth: 1950

Race: Human

Cause of Death: Strangled

Nationality: German

Origin: Berlin, Germany

Residence: Berlin, Germany

Profession(s): Earth Ambassador

Family: Otto Schmetterling (half-brother) (incarcerated)

Affiliation(s): GIA


Height: 5'7"

Age: 66 (season 3)

Weight: 193lbs

Eyes: blue

Blood: O+

Zimmerman was a man of average height and was a little chubby with pale, wrinkled skin, blue eyes, short, combed-over white hair, and a small white mustache. In his first appearance in Star of Death, he wore a dark brown tweed suit with a black turtleneck, dark gray pocket square, and shiny black dress shoes. He also had wire-rimmed glasses and a gold pocket watch attached to his suit jacket.

In his second appearance in Out of This World Murder, he switched his clothes for a light gray suit with a blue tie and a gold Earth lapel pin on the left side of his chest.


Zimmerman was Earth's Ambassador who appeared first as a minor character in Star of Death before becoming the victim in Out of This World Murder.

As an Ambassador, Zimmerman represented Earth at intergalactic events such as the Intergalactic Summit, a conference that happens every five years. He enjoyed his job and the celebrity-level status that came with it, but he hated the long list of responsibilities. It was a constant cycle of meetings, press conferences, galas with other galactic dignitaries and, of course, the never-ending paperwork. Zimmerman tried to pawn his work onto other people, including his Assistant Ambassador and subordinates, but he still had little free time.

(Of course, if Zimmerman had learned how to manage his time and workload, he would have had an abundance of free time. Alas, he chose the lazy route and thus, his work just kept piling up.)

Outside his Ambassador job, Zimmerman wasn't a very interesting man. He didn't have any friends, most of his family was dead, and those who weren't he wasn't close with, and he never socialized unless his job required it. Therefore, whenever he did have free time, there was nothing for him to do except sulk around his house in Berlin. He never had the chance to perfect any hobbies, so his days were spent reading or visiting the local art galleries.

Leading up to his death, he spent his days planning his speech for the Intergalactic Summit. Or rather, he spent his days hounding his Assistant Ambassador to finish his speech. Zimmerman wasn't the best at creating speeches, but the Hybrid had a way with words. The only downside to their partnership was that Zimmerman had to work with not only a Hybrid but the genderfluid Hybrid child of two gay men.

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