Noah Smith

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Biographical information

Full Name: Noah Smith

Gender: Bigender (he/him & they/them)

Sexuality: Gay

Status: Deceased

Age: 20 (season 1)

Birth: 1993

Race: Human

Cause of Death: Poisoned

Nationality: American

Origin: Fairview, Grimsborough, USA

Residence: Fairview, Grimsborough, USA

Profession(s): University student

Family: Thomas Smith (father) (incarcerated)

Partner(s): Danyon Wilson (boyfriend)


Height: 5'11"

Age: 20 (season 1)

Weight: 170lbs

Eyes: blue

Blood: AB-

Noah was a young man with pale skin, blue eyes, and jaw-length blonde hair. He wore a black t-shirt with the American flag embroidered on the left side, jeans and running shoes.


Noah was the victim in The Ways of Death.

He was a university student who struggled with his sexuality since high school. He was raised by his homophobic and racist father, who taught him that loving another man was a sin. But Noah couldn't help but feel drawn to other men, often finding himself with feelings like the ones his friends had towards girls. But he could never confide his feelings with his father; he would get disowned or worse...

So Noah hid his feelings inside of himself and pretended to be the man his father wanted him to be. He bullied people for being "wrong" and "different" from him when in reality, they were exactly the kind of people he wanted to be friends with. He hated mistreating people and felt sick whenever his "friends" talked down about people behind their backs or about the things they dreamed of doing to the "vermin" of the Earth.

When he graduated high school and moved away to university, he found freedom like never before. None of his "friends" followed him to his university, nor did anyone from his graduating class. He finally had the chance for a fresh start away from his father and his disgusting beliefs. He could become the person he wanted to be, which began by joining his university's LGBTQ+ club.

Noah was terrified about showing his feelings, but the club members helped him feel comfortable with himself and supported him in coming out. Of course, he knew he couldn't tell his father what he was doing, so he would lie whenever they talked, and Thomas would ask how the university was going. Noah felt guilty about lying to his father, but finally being able to express himself took the guilt away.

A couple of years after graduating high school, he met Danyon at a rally. His heart skipped a beat when he made eye contact with the rainbow-wearing man, captivated by his bright smile and carefree attitude. He was scared to talk to the younger man, but Danyon saved him the trouble, striking up a conversation as if they had always known each other.

When Noah learned that Danyon was attending his old high school, he wasn't surprised that the teen was aware of his old reputation. But he was pleasantly surprised when Danyon told him that people deserve a second chance, especially when that second chance involved becoming the real you. Danyon offered to help Noah apologize to those he had wronged and show the world the real Noah, not the fake one Thomas had created.

As they got to know each other, love soon blossomed. Danyon brought out the best in Noah, and in turn, Noah showered his boyfriend in love. The two were so happy together and planned to get an apartment when Danyon joined Noah at university.

But apartment hunting would forever remain an unreachable dream for the couple...

Noah joined his LGBTQ+ club's trip to Grimsborough for the city's culture day festival. The club had a float and information booth at the festival, the former of which Noah would be driving. Thomas heard that his son was in town for the festival and assumed Noah was there to sabotage it. So you could imagine the disgusted shock when Thomas found out that not only was Noah NOT there to sabotage the event, but he was there to SUPPORT it!

Thomas was furious and even more enraged to learn that his son was gay and had a boyfriend. He was appalled by the picture on Noah's phone of him kissing another man and tried to threaten his son into being "normal."

But for the first time in his life, Noah stood up to his father and refused to pretend to be someone who made him feel disgusting. He would live his life how he wanted to, and if that meant Thomas wasn't a part of it, then so be it. He would be happy with Danyon and all his friends who loved him, the REAL him!

However, fate and his father had other plans for him. Noah never thought that his father would actually go through with his threats of killing his own son, but as it turns out, Thomas was not to be underestimated. Thomas poisoned his son's ice cream when one of Noah's friends bought some for the club and watched from a distance as Noah slowly succumbed to his deadly fate.

When Noah realized something was wrong, he tried calling for help, but his father stopped him. The poison had drastically weakened Noah, so he was helpless to stop Thomas from taking his phone and dragging Noah to the rooftop of the Grimsborough police station to die. Noah begged his father to take him to the hospital, but Thomas just sat back and watched his son die slowly and painfully.

In death, Noah wishes he had been a better person sooner and that he had never gone off on his own after eating the ice cream. He misses Danyon terribly but hopes his boyfriend will find someone new to love and be happy with; he deserves it for being such a wonderful person. And yet, he will wait for Danyon to join him in the afterlife, but he can take his time. Noah knows Danyon will do great things, and he will happily watch from the other side until they are reunited.

Story Information

First appeared: The Ways of Death


* The title of the case he appears in is a play on the phrase The Way(s) of Life

* A few months before his death, Danyon had helped him to recognize that he was bigender after his boyfriend explained the feelings around the gender identity, and Noah realized that they matched his feelings

* He was taking a global history and culture course at university to better understand the diversity of life

* He was thinking of becoming a social worker or therapist

* He was recently voted to be the vice president of his university's LGBTQ+ club before his death

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