Lois Kane

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Biographical information

Full Name: Lois Kane

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Status: Deceased

Age: 40 (season 3)

Birth: 1975

Race: Human

Cause of Death: Stabbed in the stomach

Nationality: American

Origin: Wichita, Kansas


* New York City, New York

* Wichita, Kansas (formerly)

Profession(s): Journalist

Partner(s): Nancy McPhee (girlfriend)

Affiliation(s): CCN


Height: 5'5"

Age: 40 (season 3)

Weight: 142lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: A+

A reporter for CCN, Lois was a fair-skinned woman with long, straight black hair and soft brown eyes. At the time of her death, she was wearing a silky white bathrobe with matching slippers.


Lois Kane was the victim of Lights, Camera, Death! She was a journalist for CCN and had travelled to Sultanistan to film a documentary about Mohammad Souleyman's rise to power and the changes to the country since his father's death.

She was an old friend and coworker of Carmen, the two having joined CCN around the same time as journalists. Losi was more cautious and level-headed compared to Carmen, but both respected the other's methods. They wrote hundreds of articles together and were two of the best reporters for their station. While Losi never won a Pulitzer Prize for her independent work, she was so proud of Carmen for winning the award.

The two also worked as war reporters and were stationed in Afghanistan. During their assignment, Carmen was captured by enemy forces and was held for ransom. Losi had begged the soldiers on their base to save her friend, but they refused, saying they didn't negotiate with terrorists. Lois was ready to storm the base herself to save her friend when a soldier decided to disobey orders and help her.

The soldier was Jonah Karam. He was disgusted by the commanding officer's decision to let an innocent civilian die. He went rogue from his military unit and got Lois to show him where Carmen was being held. Jonah saved Carmen and remained in contact with her and Lois as he became a hitman.

After returning from Afghanistan, Lois and Carmen get assigned to different news stations. But they remained in contact and talked as often as possible. Lois was among the first to hear about Carmen's job offer from the Bureau, and she urged her friend to take it. After Carmen joined the Bureau, they fell out of touch, but Lois kept up to date on any news about the agency.

And then came Lois's assignment in Sultanistan. She and a team of reporters were approved to make a documentary about the country's changes following the King's death. They travelled to the desert country and were welcomed by the royal family. Lois and her team worked long hours to complete their documentary but still found time to enjoy the sights.

But something else caught Lois's eye alongside the beautiful architecture. The King's new nanny, Nancy McPhee, captivated the reporter. After getting to know the nanny during some interviews, they found they had a lot of shared interests. Soon, Lois wanted to talk to Nancy outside of their work and asked the Brit out on a date, to which Nancy happily accepted.

But that date would never happen. One of Lois's teammates, Vicki, became extremely angry and jealous when she found out Lois had been offered CCN's anchorwoman position instead of her. Vicki hated how everything seemed to come so easily for Lois while she struggled to climb her way to the top. She felt she deserved the promotion AND the credit for the documentary about Sultanistan. And so, Vicki set out to ensure Lois would never be able to take either away from her.

Vicki snuck into Lois's hotel room one night while the reporter was taking a shower. She hid inside the closet with a decorative kilij she had found and sharpened, waiting for her chance to strike. When Lois exited the bathroom to get changed, Vicki attacked and stabbed Lois in the stomach, the long curved blade travelling upwards and piercing her heart. She left Lois on the bed to bleed out and returned to her hotel room to clean up.

Lois never thought Vicki would kill her out of jealousy, but she supposed sometimes you never truly know someone until it's too late. She wished she could have gone on her date with Nancy and seen Carmen one last time, but sometimes life isn't fair, and for Lois, her untimely death was proof of that.

But while Lois died before her work was finished, the documentary would still be completed in her memory. Those of her team not in jail for murder, and Carmen completed the remaining work and produced the documentary as a tribute to Lois and her work as a journalist. There are even rumours about it being nominated for a Pulitzer Prize...

Story Information

First appeared: Lights, Camera, Death!


* She is based on Lois Lane from Superman

* She was in the newspaper club in high school and university

* She has won multiple awards for her work in journalism

* She worked with Carl Ackerman and Louis Leroux

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