Thomas Smith

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"I don't see why I should say guilty, your honour. After all, I was just ridding the world of these vermin!" - Thomas Smith

Biographical information

Full Name: Thomas Smith

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Status: Incarcerated

Age: 60 (season 1)

Birth: 1953

Race: Human

Nationality: American

Origin: Grimsborough

Residence: Grimsborough

Profession(s): Ice cream vendor

Past profession(s): Detective

Family: Noah Smith (son) (deceased)

Affiliation(s): Grimsborough Police Department (formerly)


Height: 5'11"

Age: 60 (season 1)

Weight: 200lbs

Eyes: blue

Blood: AB-

An ex-detective, Thomas is a tall, blond-haired man with harsh wrinkles, cold blue eyes, and a bushy mustache. He wore a white shirt and pants under a red apron and a red hat with an ice cream pin attached to it.

As per his suspect appearance in The Ways of Death, it is known that Thomas eats ice cream, has read Animal Farm, and uses hair dye.


Thomas Smith was the killer of his son Noah in The Ways of Death. He is an ex-detective of the GBPD and was fired by Chief King on the grounds of discrimination, assault, and abuse of authority towards coworkers and criminals. After being fired from the police force, Thomas struggled to find work and eventually opened his ice cream cart.

As a detective, Thomas was openly racist and homophobic towards his coworkers, criminals, and even victims. He thought that anyone different from him was wrong and that they were condemned to hell. Everyone knew how horrible he was, but sadly, they never had any physical evidence to terminate him. But King was always keeping an eye and ear out for anything he could use to get rid of Thomas. And one day, his vigilance paid off.

About a year after Nathan had joined the station, a frantic Ramirez came running into the Chief's office, babbling about how Jones was attacking Thomas in the morgue. King rushed to the station's basement and found Thomas on the floor as Jones punched him in the face while Nathan sat at his desk with Grace and Alex, the former holding an ice pack to the coroner's eye. After pulling Jones off of Thomas, King demanded an explanation.

Nathan admitted that Thomas had been verbally harassing him about his ethnicity since his first day. He told the Chief he never spoke up because Thomas had convinced him that no one would believe him. Nathan believed the lies because he was new and didn't know about Thomas's history yet. But by the time he found out Thomas was a well-known racist, he thought people would be mad at him for not saying anything sooner. So he kept quiet and endured the verbal abuse until it turned physical.

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