Argo Acquafredda

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"The Flying Squad? Meraviglioso! I feared Chief Wright had not gotten my message about arriving a few days earlier!" - Argo Acquafredda

Biographical information

Full Name: Argo Acquafredda


* Sirena (Siren in Italian)

* Melodía (Melody in Spanish)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Status: Alive

Age: 25 (season 4)

Birth: December 22, 1865

Race: Human

Nationality: Italian

Origin: Canto del Mare, Italy


* Concordia, USA

* Rome, Italy (formerly)

* Naples, Italy (formerly)

* Canto del Mare, Italy (formerly)

Profession(s): Detective


* Unnamed mother

* Unnamed father

* Unnamed grandfather

* Unnamed grandmother


* Jason Nicchi (boyfriend)

* Diego del Lobo (ex-boyfriend)

Affiliation(s): Concordia Flying Squad


Height: 5'5"

Age: 25 (season 4)

Weight: 127lbs

Eyes: bronze

Blood: O-

Argo is a young, beautiful man of below-average height with a slender figure. He has very androgynous features, so much so that he can be mistaken for either gender. His sharp eyes resemble melted bronze, and his hair is black as night, made of soft, loose curls trimmed to just brush his shoulders, while his skin is a warm shade of honey brown.

When working as a detective, he wears a black dress shirt with the top unbuttoned to expose his neck, a deep blue corset vest with lighter blue details and small bronze clasps down the front. His black pants are fitted but not tight, with the ends tucked into a pair of dark brown boots reaching just below his knees. Over it all, he wears an ocean-blue trench coat with bronze buttons. Brown leather arm guards are on his wrists to protect him when Caspian rests on his forearms/wrists. Lastly, he wears a black choker with a bronze nautilus shell pendant, small matching earrings, and goggles on the top of his head with elegant waves engraved into the metal surrounding the lenses.

Argo uses a pair of custom-made forearm crutches to assist in walking. They are made of brass-plated poles with copper handles and matching forearm cuffs. On the ends of the poles are copper covers with rubberized tips to stabilize when the crutches touch the ground. The poles are also carved with intricate wave engravings like the ones on Argo's goggles.


To be revealed during Murders of The Past

Events of Criminal Case

Season 4

To be revealed during Murders of The Past


Concordian Flying Squad

Rank: Detective

Story Information

First appeared: Welcome to Concordia!


* Argo suffers from Mal de Debarquement, also called "landing sickness," a rare disease which results in a near-constant feeling of motion, even when sitting or standing still. Think of the feeling of standing on a boat rocking in the waves; the rocking or bobbing movement Argo experiences is similar. It also results in a sense of imbalance and vertigo, among other symptoms that he suffers from. Argo has good days and bad ones where his symptoms are better or worse, respectively

     * He uses his crutches to help keep his balance while walking and standing still

     * While he can run, he'll only do so if necessary or if someone is with him and can stop him from running into anything or falling over

* Despite his condition, Argo loves sailing; he used to sail every chance he got while living in Italy

* He talks with his hands like many Italians do. It becomes more animated if he doesn't have his crutches to limit certain movements

* He's a musician and singer. He doesn't often perform for others, but those who have heard him will say he's amazing

* He's left-handed

* He loves the ocean and everything about it. Fish, waves, seashells, beaches... If it's related to the ocean, he loves it

* Likewise, he LOVES swimming. Whether for pleasure or sport, he enjoys soaking in the waves

A/N: Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a nice holiday!

And Happy Holidays to those who don't celebrate Christmas! 

As promised, Argo's profile has arrived! Now you have something to reference back to! I have to say, I think his design is one of my favourite ones to date!

I might change his quote later on if something better comes along. Also, I won't be adding a"History" or "Events of Criminal Case" until I finish Murders of the Past. That way, I can add everything at once! But other things, like his partner's name and family, will be updated as things are revealed in the story.

I've also added Caspian to "The Pets" chapters if you want to check out his profile.

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