Andrew Bontemps

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"Thank you, sir (Jones)! I'll prove you right; just you wait!" - Andrew Bontemps

Biographical information

Full Name: Andrew Bontemps

Gender: Transgender (female to male)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Status: Deceased

Age: 27 (season 3)

Birth: 1989

Race: Human

Cause of Death: Shot in the heart

Nationality: American

Origin: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA


* Concordia, USA

* Grimsborough, USA (formerly)

* New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (formerly)

Profession(s): Police Officer

Family: Issac Bontemps (ancestor)

Partner(s): Reese Rochester (partner)


* Concordia Police Department

* Flying Squad Preservation Society

* Grimsborough Police Department (formerly)


Height: 5'11"

Age: 27 (season 3)

Weight: 183lbs

Eyes: black

Blood: O+

Andrew was a young African-American man with short, curly black hair, a matching beard, and black eyes. At the time of his death, he wore a crimson-and-black suit over a white long-sleeved shirt with a blue patterned necktie, black dress pants, and polished black shoes. He also had a golden monocle on his left eye, and a golden pocket watch was tucked into his vest pocket.

When working for the Grimsborough PD, he wore a standard police uniform.

As per his suspect appearance in Worst of Wives and Worst of Women, it is known that Andrew exercised.


Andrew was the victim in Murder From The Past.

Before appearing as a victim, he was a suspect in the murder of Renée Murphy. He was a rookie officer in the GBPD with dreams of one day moving to Concordia to become a detective like his ancestor Issac Bontemps. He first met Renée when he responded to a call about a domestic disturbance at Adalet's house. He found the Lieutenant and Will trying to get Renée to leave, but the woman was drunk and wouldn't listen. Andrew eventually managed to get her into his squad car with Adalet's help and brought Renée back to her hotel room after Adalet chose not to press charges.

The second time Andrew dealt with Renée was after he responded to reports of her trespassing on private property in Maple Heights. The owners of the properties denied knowing the woman and wanted her arrested. But Renée tried to buy her way out of the charges, writing Andrew a $10,000 cheque to look the other way.

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