Tomioka Takara

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"I never meant to kill him! I was just protecting myself!" - Tomioka Takara

Biographical information

Full Name: Tomioka Takara

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Status: Incarcerated

Age: 25 (season 4)

Birth: 1865

Race: Human

Nationality: Japanese

Origin: Japan


* Concordia, USA

* Japan (formerly)

Profession(s): Geisha

Partner(s): Romulus Fabbri (boyfriend)


Height: 5'0"

Age: 25 (season 4)

Weight: 114lbs

Eyes: gray

Blood: AB+

Hailing from Japan, Takara is a petite woman with pale skin, cool gray eyes, and long, inky black hair in a braided bun with a silver floral headpiece featuring red details and a couple of white roses. She wore a red kimono with a white flower pattern and matching sash. She carried a red wagasa with a white border and a small red handbag with a silver charm attached to the handle.

As per her suspect appearance in Ring In The New Death, it is known that Takara eats panettone, drinks champagne and knows Auld Lang Syne.


Takara was the killer in Ring In The New Death.

She had immigrated from Japan to Concordia because she longed to make a new life for herself in North America. She had heard wonderful things about the city and its possibilities for people seeking better lives. She wanted to become a famous performer in the new world, and maybe even an actress for the moving picture shows she had heard so much about.

While travelling to Concordia, she became friends with André Santos, a fellow performer from Brazil. The two instantly became friends as they had a shared interest in music. They taught each other their culture's music styles, and Takara enjoyed the liveliness of Brazilian music. André was also a very creative composure, and he helped her create new performances that she could use when she reached Concordia. If André hadn't planned to continue travelling until he returned to Brazil, Takara would have tried convincing him to stay in North America and perform with her.

On the trip, she also met Romulus Fabbri, an inventor from Rome who was seeking a better life in North America, just as she was. Spending weeks on a ship together brought them close, and Takara fell in love with the dashing Italian man. He was a little rough around the edges, but she attributed that to being stuck at sea for so long. She was sure he would soften once they were on dry land, and as they waited to reach the new world, the two passed the time in each other's company.

But unknown to Takara, Romulus wasn't as in love with her as she was with him. Sure, he thought she was pretty and loyal, but she wasn't fun outside the bedroom. He considered breaking up with her once they reached Concordia, but he held off in case he found a use for her in his plan to con people out of their hard-earned money.

And find a use he did! Romulus tricked Takara and André into being a distraction while he robbed a local inventor's shop for new tools. In the commotion of the police trying to catch Romulus and his accomplices, Takara was caught and arrested. The police didn't listen to her claims of innocence and being tricked into helping Romulus, but without the Italian in custody, the police charged her for helping with the robbery turned assault.

Takara spent two days in prison before André collected enough money through busking to bail her out. In those two days, Takara experienced many emotions: sadness, anger, fear... It was hard to process everything that had happened so suddenly, but through it all, she couldn't believe Romulus had just left her to take the fall! She thought they had connected and were in love! Turns out that was far from true...

After Takara was released, she searched for Romulus in Concordia to ask him to tell the police the truth about the robbery. It took a while, but she eventually found him during the city's New Year's Eve parties. The two went to the Japanese Buddhist temple for privacy. Takara begged Romulus to confess his crimes, but he refused and lunged to attack her. Takara managed to dodge the attack and ran away. Romulus gave chase and hunted her through the temple.

Takara tried to lose Romulus on the stage of the temple's bell, and while she made the jump, Romulus's foot caught the platform's edge, and he crashed to the floor. As he slowly got to his feet, Takara realized she needed to do something before he could kill her. In a split second, she saw the mallet for the bell and didn't hesitate to grab the rope attached to it. With a surprising display of strength, Takara used the rope to slam the mallet into Romulus's head, crushing it between the wood and the bell.

The sound of the bell ringing mixed with Romulus's skull-crushing will forever haunt Takara. When she saw him dead on the floor, she couldn't believe what she had done. She never wanted to kill him, but she was scared of what he would have done to her if she hadn't taken him out. And as much as she didn't want to go back to prison, she knew she must atone for killing him. Maybe one day, when she is free, she can take to the stage again. But until then, she will serve her sentence like a songbird in a cage...

Story Information

First appeared: Ring In The New Death


* She and André would perform for the passengers of the ship they were sailing on white travelling to Concordia

* She can play the shamisen

* Many members of her family were geishas, and she's been watching them perform her whole life. She decided at a young age that she wanted to follow in their footsteps

* She has a beautiful singing voice and enjoys making up songs or creating variations of existing ones for fun

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