Nicolas Doyle

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"That, dear detective, is a secret!" - Nicolas Doyle

Biographical information

Full Name: Nicolas "Nick" M. Doyle

Gender: Male

Sexuality: AroAce

Status: Deceased

Age: 63 (season 3)

Birth: 1953

Race: Human

Cause of Death: Poisoned

Nationality: British

Origin: Oxford, England

Residence: Oxford, England

Profession(s): Director of U.N.I.T.

Past profession(s): Surgeon


* U.N.I.T.



Height: 5'10"

Age: 63 (season 3)

Weight: 195lbs

Eyes: gray

Blood: A-

Hailing from England, Nicolas was the Director of U.N.I.T. He was a pale-skinned middle-aged man with short salt-and-pepper hair and gray eyes hidden behind thick-rimmed black glasses. He wore a brown trench coat over a dark gray suit with a black dress shirt and a red tie.


Nicolas Doyle was the victim of United in Ashes.

He first appeared during the investigation of his predecessor, Ratko Kovac's death. He had become a suspect after Adalet and Frank discovered a note about the victim meeting with him before his death. In the beginning, Nicolas did not reveal his connection to U.N.I.T, but after discovering that Nicolas automatically became Director after Ratko's death, he confirmed his employment.

After Ratko's killer had been arrested, Nicolas assisted in finding the decryption key for Nathan U.N.I.T's personnel file. He would later give Nathan the injection needed to restore his vision. Once the coroner was recovered, Nioclas offered Nathan the Assistant Director position. Nathan accepted, and Nicolas moved into his new position of power.

The next time Nicolas would appear would be during United in Ashes when an undercover SOMBRA agent killed him. Nicolas had worked for SOMBRA for years after Ratko recruited him. But the organization was disappointed in how slow it took him to get them U.N.I.T resources. When Nicolas refused to expedite several shipments of U.N.I.T weapons to SOMBRA island, they decided he was weak and needed to be eliminated.

SOMBRA sent Brock Ward to kill Nicolas. They'd hoped that using Nathan's poison would divert suspicion to the Assistant Director, but they couldn't trick the Bureau. Brock succeeded in killing Nicolas, but in doing so, SOMBRA lost their strongest ally inside of U.N.I.T. And with Kavi Pandit's return from retirement, it won't be long until the rest of SOMBRA's agents are exposed and captured.

Nicolas did not imagine meeting the same fate as Ratko, but there was no hope of him surviving the poison. But SOMBRA'S decision to kill him will help lead to their downfall, something Nicolas will never see.




* Director

* Assistant Director (formerly)

Story Information

First appeared: Delta Protocol


* His name is a reference to Nick Fury (Marvel) and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

     * A friend of mine helped me pick his first name

* I'm always misspelling his last name; sometimes it's Doyle (correct), and other times it's Doyel (incorrect)

* He was initially going to stay a good guy, but I decided to make him bad after I needed a traitor inside U.N.I.T

* He was scared of snakes and hated how Kavi allowed Nathan to keep them in his quarters in Atlantis

* He started the fire that nearly killed Oberon, Nathan, and Avi

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