New Asgard

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Season: First mentioned in season 2

Founder(s): The Asgardian Gods & Goddesses

Established: over 10,000 years ago

Star System: Mythos System (The Mythos system is the Northmost Star System from the Solar System.)

Inhabitants: Asgardians

Primary Law Enforcement Agencies:

* New Asgard Royal Council

* New Asgard Royal Guard

* Valkyries

Known Residents:

* Henrik Dahl (ex-king) (incarcerated)

* Sylvia Dahl (ex-queen) (deceased)

* Runa Dahl (Queen)

* Eir Dahl (Queen)

* Tómus Dahl (crown prince)

* Magnus Dahl (formerly)

* Heimdall Sadik-Halvorsen (Ambassador) (formerly)

* Aslan Sadik-Halvorsen (formerly)

* (Anders) Sadik-Halvorsen (formerly)

* Loki (Adalet(Anders)'s companion) (formerly)

* Birgitta Halvorsen

* Soffía Halvorsen

* Kára Halvorsen (deceased)

* Brage Halvorsen

* Aurora Toivonen (formerly)

* Aura Toivonen

* Mattias Toivonen

* Holly Toivonen

* Ivy Toivonen

Continents: 9


Over 10,000 years ago, after the first Ragnarök, the remaining Gods and Goddesses decided to unite the nine realms into one planet. Before merging, each realm was a planet where the inhabitants lived peacefully. But the war against the fire demons caused too much damage to each world for them to recover. But while the planets couldn't be saved, their remains could be used to create a new world and new life.

Thus, New Asgard was created from the ashes of the nine realms.

With their work done, the Gods and Goddesses ascended to Valhalla to join those who perished in the war. But they continue to watch over the people of New Asgard, listening to their prays and intervening when they can.

Over the years, Asgardians evolved to be stronger and smarter than their predecessors. They learned how to coexist on one planet instead of nine while establishing new laws. While there have still been issues (but what world doesn't have issues?) New Asgard has become one of the top destination spots on the Mythos System and a vital member of the Intergalactic Council.

Notable Events

Ragnarök II

This war took place when Adalet was 22 during Tómus Dahl's coronation. The ancient fire demons, believed to have been defeated by the Gods during the first Ragnarök, rose again to try and take over New Asgard. But the Asgardians refused to go down without a fight, so they grabbed their weapons and launched a counterattack.

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