Phoebe Fisher

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Biographical information

Full Name: Phoebe Fisher

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Status: Deceased

Age: 50 (season 2)

Birth: 1965

Race: Human

Cause of Death: Shot in the chest by a harpoon

Nationality: American

Origin: Tallahassee, Florida, USA

Residence: Tallahassee, Florida, USA

Profession(s): Ship Auditor


Height: 4'11"

Age: 50 (season 2)

Weight: 118lbs

Eyes: gray

Blood: AB+

Phoebe Fisher was a short, middle-aged woman with pale skin, dark blonde hair, and gray eyes. She wore a simple pink sundress, sandals, and black-framed glasses.


Phoebe was the victim of The Death Boat. She was a ship auditor conducting an audit of the Pacific Princess. However, Phoebe had a malicious plan in mind when she boarded the ship for the cruise. She planned to sabotage the crew by stealing and planting drugs around the boat, making it look like the staff had smuggled them. She did that because, for every ship that she discovered was unfit to sail, she received a large bonus.

She had already done this in the past to Captain Kacy Keller and her ship, stripping the woman of her rank so she would never sail as a captain again. But Phoebe hadn't planned for Kacy to be on board with her, so she thought she would get away with her evil scheme.

But Kelly got wind of the audit from Captain Merrill Stubing and knew she had to save her friend's ship and crew from Phoebe. Kacy confronted Phoebe the night after they set sail, begging her not to sabotage the audit.

Sadly, greed was strong in Phoebe, and all she cared about was her bonuses. She didn't care that she would be running innocent people's lives or marooning one of the world's most popular cruise ships; she loved money and wanted more.

When Kacy realized that Phoebe wouldn't listen to reason, she decided the only way to save the Pacific Princess was to take out the threat. She found a spear gun and waited for Phoebe to come to the lido deck early the following day. Phoebe arrived at the deck unaware of the danger awaiting her and prepared for a dip in the jacuzzi. But when she started to climb into the hot tub, Kacy fired the spear gun, and the bolt priced Phoebe in the heart, killing her instantly.

Phoebe's body floated in the jacuzzi until it was discovered by Adalet, Fili, Ahmet, Captain Stubing, and Julie McCoy. Soon, the investigation would lead them to discover Phoebe's plans to destroy the crew of the Pacific Princess, and while Kacy would be arrested for her crimes, she was happy to know that her friend wouldn't suffer the same fate she did at Phoebe's hands.

Story Information

First appeared: Death Boat


* The title of the case she appears in is based on the title of the show Love Boat

* Likewise, the case is set on the same boat as the show, The Pacific Princess, and many of the suspects are characters from the show

* ... I don't remember anything else about this OC. Nothing, nada, zip, zilch!

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