Danyon Wilson

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"Now, we just need to get it on the back! Want to help me, Gigantor (Fili)?" - Danyon Wilson

Biographical information

Full Name: Danyon Wilson

Gender: Demi boy

Sexuality: Gay

Status: Alive

Age: 18 (season 1)

Birth: 1995

Race: Human

Nationality: American

Origin: Fairview, Grimsborough, USA

Residence: Fairview, Grimsborough, USA

Profession(s): High School Student

Partner(s): Noah Smith (boyfriend) (deceased)

Affiliation(s): Fairview High School LGBTQ+ Club


Height: 5'9"

Age: 18 (season 1)

Weight: 147lbs

Eyes: green

Blood: O-

Danyon is a teenager with short, curly brown hair shaved on the left side. He has bright green eyes and a blinding smile that can light up a room. In his case appearance, he wears dark blue shorts with teal suspenders, light blue sneakers with rainbow socks, a blue tank top with a darker vest, and a turquoise bandana around his neck. He also has multiple rainbow bracelets on his wrists, a heart-shaped earring in his right ear, and spare miniature flags in a bag attached to his belt.

As per his suspect appearance in The Ways of Death, it is known that Danyon has read Animal Farm, eats Nanaimo bars, and uses hair dye.


Danyon was the boyfriend of the late Noah Smith and a high school student at Fairview High School. He was the president of the school's LGBTQ+ club and an active member of the Grimsborough pride community. He volunteered at many local events in support of his fellow LGBTQ+ members and always looked forward to wearing his rainbow colours.

He met Noah at a rally outside of Grimsborough after convincing his parents to let him and his friends go for the weekend. He was surprised to see Noah there as he had heard stories about the man bullying others for their "differences." And yet, there was Noah decked out in rainbow colours, smiling and having fun with his friends. He couldn't believe his eyes, so he decided to talk to Noah and find out who he really was.

After the first awkward conversation, Danyon and Noah exchanged phone numbers and began texting. Soon they became friends and later boyfriends. They discovered they had a lot in common, and Danyon learned about the Noah behind the mask. He was pleasantly surprised by how friendly Noah was once you got to know him and loved his tiny nervous laugh.

Danyon began helping Noah to apologize to those he hurt in the past. When Noah returned to Grimsborough for the culture festival, Danyon introduced him to his friends and members of the Grimsborough LGBTQ+ community. It was hard for others to accept that Noah wasn't the man they thought he was, but they gave him a chance to redeem himself.

When Danyon learned of his boyfriend's murder, he was heartbroken. He had JUST been talking to Noah at lunch, and while his boyfriend complained of a stomach ache, Danyon never thought Noah was actively dying! He wishes he had stayed with Noah; maybe then they would have realized something was wrong and could have gotten him to the hospital in time to save him. But Danyon will never know if that would have saved his boyfriend...

After Noah's father was arrested, Danyon was furious at the man. How could he kill his own son just because Noah loved another man?! It wasn't fair! Noah was doing so much to turn his life around, and this was how fate repaid him?! He should have been alive, graduated from university, and started a career; maybe even he and Danyon could have gotten married! But now, those dreams can never come true...

But even if Noah was now gone, Danyon is happy that his boyfriend got the justice he deserved. He vowed to do everything he could to ensure Noah's true self lived on in his memory and even has plans to one day create a foundation for youth in need in honour of Noah. He knows it will take time, but he doesn't doubt that Noah will be watching over him. Danyon hopes one day, they will be able to reunite on the other side and be together again, happy and safe in each other's embrace.

Story Information

First appeared: The Ways of Death


* His name comes from two IRL gay men that I know

* Likewise, his personality is based on the two of them

* He aspires to be an elementary school teacher and do cosmetology on the side

* He has a condition that is making his hair turn prematurely gray, so he dyes it brown

* I themed his clothes after the gay flag (a mixture of greens and blues)

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