Mariposa Ramirez

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Biographical information

Full Name: Mariposa "Mari" Ramirez

Gender: Female

Status: Alive

Age: 8 (season 1)

Birth: 2004

Race: Human

Nationality: Mexican-Spanish

Origin: Grimsborough, USA

Residence: Grimsborough, USA


* Eduardo Ramirez (father)

* Valentina Ramirez (mother)

* Arturo Ramirez (brother)

* Lucia Ramirez (sister)

* Itzel Ramirez (sister)


Height: 4'3"

Age: 8 (season 1)

Weight: 60lbs

Eyes: Hazel

Blood: AB+

Mariposa is a bubbly young girl who loves to represent her namesake: butterflies, specifically the monarch butterfly. The ends of her long black hair are dyed bright orange, and she styles it into a set of buns with the ends hanging loose, creating the illusion of butterfly wings. She wears a short-sleeved, flowy black dress with orange trim work, an orange vest and black slip-on boots. Mariposa also has a white beaded necklace that she made and a small black and orange backpack designed to look like a butterfly.


The second youngest of the Ramirez children, Mariposa, is a minor character in my Criminal Case series alongside her siblings. She is a very energetic girl but is a big introvert. She enjoys spending time with people but also values her alone time.

Mariposa attends the local elementary school with her sisters; her favourite classes are art and science. She loves having the opportunity to bring her ideas to life through her drawings and sculptures but also enjoys learning about the science of the world and how it evolved. Her parents proudly display her artwork around the house, and when it's time to change it up, the pieces move into either Mariposa's bedroom or get safely stored away.

She missed her dad when he moved to Pacific Bay to start his career as a private detective, but he promised he would return once he established his business. Ramirez collected souvenirs for his kids while in Pacific Bay and found as many butterfly-themed ones for Mariposa as he could. Mariposa and her siblings can't wait for their father to come home and tell them about his adventures chasing criminals.

Story Information

First appeared:

* Bomb Alert on Grimsborough (cameo)

* Happy Birthday to You! (first speaking role)


* Butterflies are Mariposa's favourite animal

* She loves fairy tales and stories about fairies

* She's thinking about becoming a veterinarian or a lepidopterist

     * Or another career that involves working with animals

* She loves cooking traditional Mexican food with her father

* Valentina helps her with her math homework since Valentina also struggled with the subject as a child

* Arturo taught her how to skateboard and rollerblade

* She and Lucia like playing one-on-one games of racquetball

* Itzel loves listening to her sister talk about butterflies and learning about the different species

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