Aslan Sadik-Halvorsen

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"I'm actually bisexual, but if no one else wants the gay friend title I'll happily take it!" - Aslan Sadik-Halvorsen

Biographical information

Full Name: Aslan Sadik-Halvorsen


* Leo

* Løve (lion in Norwegian)

* L'venok (little lion/lion cub in Russian)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Status: Alive

Age: 55 (season 2)

Birth: 1960

Race: Human

Nationality: Turkish-Brazilian

Origin: Istanbul, Turkey


* Istanbul, Turkey

* Montreal, Canada (formerly)

Profession(s): Director of G.I.A. - Earth Branch


* Heimdall Sadik-Halvorsen (husband)

* Adalet Anders Sadik-Halvorsen (child)

* Deniz Sadik (father)

* Maria Sadik (mother)

* Fili Savage (son-in-law)

* Ahmet Savage (grandson)

* Clover Savage (grandchild) (deceased)

* Birgitta Halvorsen (mother-in-law)

* Soffía Halvorsen (mother-in-law)

* Kára Halvorsen (sister-in-law) (deceased)

* Brage Halvorsen (sibling-in-law)

* André Santos (great-grandfather) (deceased post Mysteries of The Past timeline)

Partner(s): unnamed ex-boyfriend

Affiliation(s): G.I.A


Height: 6'1"

Age: 55 (season 2)

Weight: 190 lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: O-

Aslan is a tall, middle-aged man with dark skin and warm brown eyes. His medium-length, wavy hair is entirely gray due to having gone prematurely gray from stress. He used to dye it entirely black but in recent years has become slack and lets it grow out into streaks. He tends to just re-dye the streaks now and his hair has been compared to zebra strips before. He has a tattoo of two tulips on his left inner forearm, each of which has gold petals but one flower is smaller than the other.

He normally wears a burnt orange shirt underneath a black jacket and dark pants and comfortable shoes. He also wears a G.I.A-issued watch that doubles as a miniature computer/communications device. He is also never unarmed and his weapon of choice is a laser blaster which he keeps either underneath his coat or attached to his ankle.

In his suspect appearance in Escape from Pacific Bay, he wears a white dress shirt, a black vest, matching slacks, and a burnt orange tie. It is known that Aslan rides horses.

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