Hazan Tilki

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"Happy birthday, Ahmet, Maria told me you were still a fan of chocolate, so I made some just for you!" - Hazan Tilki

Biographical information

Full Name: Hazan Tilki

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Status: Alive

Age: 75 (season 3)

Birth: 1940

Race: Human

Nationality: Turkish

Origin: Istanbul, Turkey

Residence: Istanbul, Turkey

Profession(s): Chocolatier


* Ahmet Savage (grandson)

* Yasemin Hanson (daughter) (deceased)

* Christopher Hanson (son-in-law) (incarcerated)

* Ahmed Tilki (husband) (deceased)


Height: 5'5"

Age: 75 (season 3)

Weight: 154lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: A-

A born and raised Turk, Hazan is an elderly woman of average height and size. Her gray hair is normally pulled back into a low braided bun with a couple of pieces left out to frame her brown eyes and dusty pink framed glasses. She wears a black turtleneck underneath a dusty rose cardigan and a long black skirt over gray pants and black shoes.


Hazan grew up in Turkey where she met and married her husband Ahmed when the two were in their twenties. A few years into their marriage they had a daughter who they named Yasemin. Hazan worked part-time as a chocolatier while her husband owned and operated a small hookah shop.

The small family lived a modest lifestyle but we're very happy, though sometimes Yasemin would complain about her friends having nicer things than her. But even so, Hazan and Ahmed always put their daughter first and made sure she had clothes, food, and a roof over her head

However, tragedy would find the family. One day when Ahmed was closing his shop, robbers came to steal anything and everything they could get their hands on. The robbers thought the store was already empty and panicked when Ahmed came out from the back room. In the heat of the moment, one of the robbers shot Ahmed before fleeing the scene. Their partner stayed back and tried to save the man, having just wanted to get some money and didn't want anyone to die.

After police and paramedics responded to the distress call, Ahmed was rushed to the hospital and into surgery. Doctors managed to save his life but the bullet had pierced him just below his heart and hit his spine. Ahmed became paralyzed from just below his chest and would never walk again.

Ahmed and Hazan's lives were turned upside down overnight. They needed to sell the hookah shop to pay Ahmed's medical bills. Hazan also had to start working full-time again to support the family while Ahmed struggled to maintain the house and take care of Yasemin with his new disability. But despite the hardships they faced, Hazan refused to abandon the man she fell in love with and the two worked together to create a new normal for their family.

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