Beauty is Dead

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"Pack your lederhosen she said, pack your beer steins she said!" Jack mimicked his Chief as he lay sprawled out on the couch in the lounge, "get ready to stop a catastrophe in the making she said! We're in Norway I say!"

"Jack quit complaining," Carmen orders, not looking up from the newspaper she was reading, "it's just a little detour."

"We have to be in Germany in two days!" he exclaimed, "and in case you've forgotten, Norway isn't Germany!"

"I told you, Jack, there's a storm over Germany right now, the plane's grounded until it clears," Fili recited his earlier announcement to the team over breakfast, "once we get the green light, we'll be in Germany in just a few hours... Ahmet you're supposed to do what's in the brackets before anything else."

Ahmet looked back at his math homework, "who invented BEDMAS anyway?!"

He chuckled, "no idea... I miss the old days when simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division were all you needed in school."

"We could do some sightseeing while we wait?" Angela suggested, "the weather report said the storm won't clear until tomorrow at the earliest."

Jack groaned, "what's there to see in Norway anyway? Ha, that rhymed!"

"You could visit the Vigeland Park," Dupont offers, pouring a fresh cup of tea for himself and Marina, "it is Gustav Vigeland's life work, comprising over 200 sculptures in granite, bronze and wrought iron. It was installed during the period 1940-1949 but is nevertheless a result of over 40 years of work. The starting point for the park is Vigeland's Fountain, which was originally meant to be placed at Eidsvolls plass in front of the Parliament however these plans were never realized so-"

"That sounds fascinating," Jack interrupts, "a park full of statues, yippie!"

"I don't hear you coming up with any other ideas," Elliot countered, playing against Lars at Call of Duty on the TV.

"Fine! We'll go to the park!" Jack cried, "come on Carmen!"

The reporter raised an eyebrow, "why me?"

"Well I'd take Adalet, but she's not here!" he replies, gesturing around at the rest of the team, their resident alien missing from the group.

"Where is Adalet?" Lars questioned.

"Ingrid got word from an informant about a potential lead on where we should go in Germany," Fili answered, "she asked my starlight to check it out."

"Well if anyone needs us, we'll be admiring a park full of statues!" Carmen calls as she and Jack leave the lounge.

At Vigeland Park...

"Dupont didn't tell us that all these statues were naked!!!" Jack cried, blushing as he and Carmen found themselves standing at the beginning of the park and as far as the eye could see were realistic naked statues. Both men and women were carved out of granite, bronze and wrought iron.

"I... don't even have words for this," Carmen says, not able to look away from the statues, "let's go check out the fountain."

"Ah yes, more naked statues, and water!" he complained, following beside his partner, "maybe I shouldn't interrupt Dupont when he rambles..."

The partners walked along the wide stone path surrounded by bushes of fragrant roses towards the first big focal point of the park. The giant fountain was made of wrought iron and featured a large basin In the center with six giant statues holding up the large saucer-shaped vessel that had a curtain of water spilling down it. Around the fountain was a square pool of water with twenty-three pairs of statues, one man and one woman, on the surrounding parapet.

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