Horseback Mountain

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"Agent Anders, we've finally arrived in Mongolia and time is of the essence! We've learned that SOMBRA is plotting Operation Darkness Descends - they're building a master satellite which could allow them to take control of all the other satellites in orbit!" Chief Ripley briefed, "not only do they have stolen launch codes, but they've also been smuggling satellite parts into Mongolia! We have no idea how advanced their project might be, but we do know that there's a secret facility hidden somewhere in the wilderness, and that's where we'll learn more about the satellite!"

"Do we have any new leads?" Anders inquired.

"Local sources have reported seeing suspicious activity around Mount Khan, so you'll go there and see what you can find out, while the others get their labs put back together," she orders, "but remember SOMBRA have proved time and time again how elusive they can be. If they're hiding something, you can be sure that it won't be easy to find!"

"Well, if anyone has an eye for finding what's hidden, it's Anders!" Carmen boasted, "let's check out Mount Khan!"

It was a long drive from their airport to Mount Khan, and what felt like an even longer climb up the mountain to where the Genghis Khan Statue was located. Carmen and Anders walked along the path of stone steps through the mountain until they came across the Mongolian warrior statues. A blond man was on his knees laying backwards against one of the statues with a long slash wound from his left shoulder to his right hip.

Looking around the area, Anders noticed a bloody sabre laying across the stone steps a little ways from the body. There was also a napkin close to the victim's hand and a torn photo beside his knees.

"Anders, has that... that man been... partly sliced in half?" Carmen cried, appalled at the sight.

Anders examined the wound, "if the cut had gone any deeper he would be! Don't worry, his spine's still intact!"

"Lovely..." she gags slightly, "but you've gotta be kidding me! We're here to find SOMBRA's satellite factory, not to investigate another murder!"

"Then it's a good thing it looks like this guy worked with satellites!" he says, pointing to the gold satellite-shaped badge pinned to the man's shirt, "maybe this guy has been working on SOMBRA's satellite?"

"That means the factory can't be far, Anders. And I'm betting that solving this murder will lead us straight there!" she reasoned, "quick, what else have you spotted?"

"Well, the victim's name tag reads, "Andrei Beloglazov"," he reports.

"Well, that gives us an ID to work with - let's get the body off to Angela, STAT!" Carmen ordered, "and nice catch, Anders! That bloody sabre you picked up must be our murder weapon!"

Anders turned the blade around in his hands, "well, I don't see any other corpses lying around, so lucky us! And the handle of this sabre is covered in hair! Let's vacuum up a sample."

"And that napkin you picked up was just next to the victim's hand! Maybe it'll shed some light on where he came from. We'd better collect a sample of that substance," she says, looking at the remaining clues, "you also grabbed some torn pieces? Let's get cracking and put them back together! If the victim really did work for SOMBRA, then this means that we're still hot on their trail! It's time we put an end to their evil scheme, Anders!"

Carmen grabs the dirty napkin and a swabbing kit while Anders sends the victim's body through a portal to the lab before examining the sabre. Carmen remoisten the yellow substance on the napkin to make collecting a sample easier and smeared it between a set of microscope slides. Anders had also managed to vacuum up a sample of the hairs on the sabre handle and sealed up the small bag from the back of the vacuum.

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