Welcome to the Family, Sanjay

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 "And this will be your room," Carmen says, inputting the passcode so the door to Sanjay's new room could open, "you're beside Elliot, and there's a bathroom at each end of the hall and in the middle. Plus, there's a lounge where you can watch TV or get a snack."

Sanjay looks around the room that would now be his. It was a little plain, but it was the nicest place he'd ever stayed in until now, so he wouldn't complain.

"I know it might seem boring, but we can get you some stuff to make this room your own," Carmen offers, practically reading his mind, "we might not have the time to go shopping until we reach Bangkok, but Jack's volunteered to help Adalet investigate so the Chief gave me the day off to help you settle in."

He nods, "so... everyone lives in this plane?"

"Everyone on the team, yes," she confirms, "the triplets left a couple of hours ago to return to Australia, where Lars's family lives. But I imagine we'll see them again someday... Is there anything else you'd like to see?"

Sanjay went to reply, but a yell from outside the room interrupted his thoughts.

"Ahmet! Did you take my headphones?!" Elliot yells.

"I didn't even see your headphones!" Ahmet shouts back.

"Then why can't I find them!?" he demands.

"Maybe because you don't remember where you left them?!" he argued.

Carmen groans, "welcome to the crazy plane, Sanjay, population, too many...."

"Are they always like this?" Sanjay asks.

"No, thankfully," she adds, stepping into the hall, "what are you boys fighting about now?"

"He took my headphones!" Elliot points an accusing finger at Ahmet.

"Did not!" Ahmet denies, "why would I take your headphones?! I have my own pair!"

"You took my DS once!"

"That wasn't me; it was Jack!"

"Enough!" Carmen barked, "Elliot, your headphones are probably in your lab. Did you look there yet?"

Judging by the goth's silence, he had not.

"Go look for them there," she orders, "and stop accusing people of taking your things!"

"Fine!" Elliot agrees, "at least I don't have to deal with the triplets running around anymore...."

Elliot headed downstairs, leaving Sanjay, Carmen, and Ahmet in the hallway.

"Enjoying the plane so far?" Ahmet asks the younger boy.

"I guess... It's weird to be living on a plane; I'm used to sleeping outside," Sanjay answers.

He chuckled, "I know what you mean... And if you think living on a plane is weird, just wait until you find out about my family!"

"I'd almost forgotten about that," Carmen admits, "are your parents here, Ahmet?"

"They went on a quick supply run, but they should be back," he replies, checking his phone, "yep, they texted me a while ago saying they were on their way!"

"No time like the present, then," she jokes, "come on, Sanjay, there are a few more surprises for you to see before we leave...."

Sanjay follows Carmen and Ahmet downstairs to the kitchen, where they find Adalet and Fili placing reusable shopping bags on the table. The couple looked up when they heard the group enter and paused in unloading the groceries.

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