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 "And this is the ballistics lab and armoury," Carmen says as she and Jonah stand in the entrance of the room, "and it'll be your lab now."

"Wow... Look at those guns!" Jonah remarks, admiring the racks of guns hanging behind a glass case, "is that a real antique Smith & Wesson?"

"Yes," she confirmed, "I think it comes from Chief Ripley's private collection, or maybe it was Dupont's..."

"Is that a sword?!" he cried, noticing the gold and bronze sword further down the display case.

"That belongs to Anders, don't touch it," she ordered, "I'm not kidding, it won't end well..."

"Speaking of kids, who's kid did I see earlier? The one with the fox," he inquired.

"Ahmet? He's Fili and Anders's son," Carmen answers, leading Jonah out of the ballistics lab and to the garage, "don't worry about him, he stays away from the ballistics lab!"

"Who stays away from the ballistics lab?" Jack inquired, pausing as he went to drop the ramp for the garage of the plane.

"Ahmet... And speaking of, where do you two think you're going?" she questioned.

Jack and Ahmet both stood in the garage. The boy was beside one of the Jeeps while the adult was at the wall with his hand hovering over the button that would lower the ramp of the plane.

"The G.I.A. Istanbul outpost," Ahmet replies, adjusting the strap of his backpack.

"The Government Investigation Authority has an outpost here in Turkey?" Jonah raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah... Anders is going to fill you in about the G.I.A. later," Carmen responds before looking back at the other two, "but why do you need to go there? I don't remember Anders saying that he needed to visit!"

"We also haven't seen him since last night," Jack deadpanned, "according to Fili, Anders got a killer migraine, probably from all the stress in the Sahara Region finally catching up to him, he's out of commission until he gets his meds."

"That Dad went to get after breakfast but he's still not back yet!" Ahmet complains, "Baba promised to show me around but he can't do that when he can't even leave his room!"

"So you're going to find Fili?" Carmen guessed.

"Or pick up Anders's prescription, whichever comes first!" Jack replies, pressing the button to lower the ramp, "want to come with?"

She groaned, "someone has to keep you two from getting into trouble! I was done giving Jonah a tour anyways!"

"Then hop in!"

Jonah declined the trip so Carmen, Jack, and Ahmet all climbed into the Jeep and rode down the ramp and onto the tarmac. Ahmet gave them the address for the outpost and Carmen inputted it into the GPS. Jack drove along to the guided directions and after a while they found themselves pulling up to a building near the outskirts of Istanbul set away from most of the city.

The building looked like an average Turkish building with long stone walls and matching decorative columns lining the building. Detailed stone works surrounded the windows and main entrance with beautiful Turkish-style mosaics caved into the stones. There was a glass dome in the centre of the roof but it was tinted so dark you couldn't see inside, though they suspect you could see out of the dome from inside the building. Above the main entrance, there was a sign in Turkish and English reading Government Investigation Authority accompanied by the G.I.A.'s fake logo.

"So do we just go in or...?" Jack trails off.

Ahmet laughed, "you think it would be that easy to walk into an alien agency? No, we need to go through the back entrance!"

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