The Circle of Death

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In Kenya...

"Anders, I'm glad we're in Kenya at last, hopefully about to foil SOMBRA's plans... but the journey here sure was hair-raising! Our plane getting shot down in Madagascar was bad enough, but even worse was discovering that there's a SOMBRA spy among us! I can't believe it!" Jack rants, "who should we suspect, Anders? Chief Ripley? Lars? You?? No, I refuse. We're like a family! A dysfunctional family! But I know in my heart no one here is SOMBRA."

"Dysfunctional is an understatement...." Anders rolls his eyes.

"Unfortunately, your heart isn't evidence, Jack. We must watch for any suspicious activity in the Bureau... but we can't let our work grind to a halt. On SOMBRA's island, we learned that SOMBRA dispatched assassins to Africa..." Chief Ripley recaps, "then we discovered SOMBRA's plan to contact Lavinia De Brills in Kenya. Lavinia's family mines and sells diamonds... That's why SOMBRA wants her."

"But why would they send assassins after her? To intimidate her?" Anders suggested, "anyway, we don't even know where in Kenya Lavinia is!"

"Now you do!" Ingrid announced, strolling into the room, "Anders, Lavinia's reportedly on a safari with a local guide, Kariuki Maina."

Jack gulps, "so... we gotta search the savanna? With wild animals? Sure, but if I get eaten by an angry giraffe, I'm holding the Bureau responsible! Let's go, Anders!"

Anders rolls his eyes, "you're not going to be eaten by a giraffe! It's more likely a lion would maul you first!"

"Was that supposed to make me feel better?!"

"No, what did you think I was going to tell you?"

"I don't know, maybe comfort me and tell me you won't let any animals use me as a chew toy?!"

"Where's the fun in that?"

"... You know, sometimes I don't like you."

"The feeling's mutual, Jack."

Ingrid provided them with the coordination for where in the Savanna Lavinia and her tour guide were located. Anders and Jack drove out to the area and found themselves parking beside the tour guide's vehicle, which was next to a large watering hole. Climbing out of their Jeep and walking around to the other side of the car, they froze when they saw who was there to greet them.

On the ground was the trampled body of a man dressed in safari gear. His limbs were bent at unnatural angles, and most of his bones looked broken while an arrow stuck out of his chest. Near the man's head was a walkie-talkie, and a photograph was on the ground a few feet away from the body.

"What the...!" Jack cried, "this man looks like he's been trampled by an elephant!"

"The badge on his chest reads "Kariuki Maina"..." Anders notes, "didn't Ingrid say this was the name of Lavinia's safari guide?"

"She did!" he confirmed, "what the heck happened on their trip? Did animals attack Lavinia and her guide?"

"Last I checked, animals don't shoot bows and arrows!" he responds, gesturing to the object sticking out of the victim's chest.

"Wait, you're right! An animal couldn't have done this, Anders! This was murder committed by a human! And that arrow was the murder weapon!" he declares, "but why would anyone kill this man? And where's Lavinia? With SOMBRA after her, it's hard to believe in coincidences!"

Anderd rolls his eyes, "in our lives, I'm starting to think coincidences are impossible!"

"Yeah, and good thing you've found some clues! This walkie-talkie was by the body... Let's unlock it!" Jack says, "and this photo must've belonged to the victim. Let's look this woman up in that database! We have to get answers about the murder and find Lavinia!"

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