Insides Out

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"Anders, last we heard, the Guru disappeared from our radar while we were in Bhutan, and we haven't been able to locate him since. But we know that Averly Worthington, his most loyal follower, came this way... and wherever the Guru goes, she follows! So the Guru has to be here somewhere!" Chief Ripley says confidently, "our suspicions about the Guru were confirmed after we discovered his followers have been giving him large sums of money...."

"And that he's been giving that money to a charity that O.M. MediLab owns," Jack chimes in.

"Since we know that O.M. MediLab is a front company run by SOMBRA, that means our Guru is a SOMBRA agent, as well!" she says, placing her hands on her hips.

"We always knew something suspicious about that guy," Anders mused, "but pretending to be a holy man while actually being a top-secret SOMBRA agent is low!"

"According to Bureau intelligence, Averly was last spotted in the Village Square," Chief Ripley informs them, "Anders, if you can track down Averly, you'll find the Guru!"

"We won't let you down, Chief!" he promised, "let's get to the square stat, Jack!"

Anders, Jack and Hunter donned their winter gear before driving to the Village Square. They parked in a side alley and got out to search for Averly and the Guru. But sadly, luck never seemed to be on their side, and there was no sign of either of them. However, they did find someone lying against the large fountain in the centre of the square. Rounding the statue, they were met with a stomach-churning sight.

The man's stomach had been carved open, and his intestines spilled like fallen spaghetti onto his lap and the ground. Looking away from the gruesome sight, Anders noticed a Tibetan cart at the edge of the square and a torn newspaper close to the victim's outstretched foot.

"Anders, what the heck happened to that guy?! Why are all his insides... outside?!" Jack exclaimed, wanting to look away but couldn't, "his body is all broken up, and... he's... missing his stomach! I think I'm gonna...."


Anders and Hunter lept out of the way as Jack threw up his breakfast on the ground. He dry-heaved for a few more moments while his partner patted him on the back until he could breathe again.

"Sorry, Anders. I'll get a grip...." Jack promised.

"That's good because we need to investigate Sandeep's murder!" Anders says, looking back at the body, "you remember him, right, Jack? He's that tuk-tuk driver from India!"

"The one with all the cousins?" he recalled, "yeah, I remember him! What in the world is Sandeep doing here? And who'd want to kill him? He was such a nice guy!"

"That's what we're going to find out!" he replies, "starting with looking through this cart!"

"If you think the killer could've dropped something in that cart, then we should search it!" he agrees, noticing the other clue his partner was holding, "newspaper articles always deliver the news, good or bad, so why don't you piece this article together to see what it says! We came here to find the Guru, but instead, we were met with Sandeep's gruesome murder. It's up to us to make this right!"

Jack calls the team to come to pick up Sandeep's body while Anders leans over the edge of the Tibetan cart to look inside. It was filled with traditional Tibetan items for tourists to buy. He saw masks, necklaces, purses, and tapestries inside the cart, but a green valet ticket caught his eye. He hopped off the cart just as Jack hung up his phone.

"Anders, you found a valet ticket in the Tibetan cart? Did someone try to valet this cart?" Jack wondered.

Anders raised his eyebrow, "unless this cart is called the Tibet Spa Resort... I'm going to go with no."

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