Plagued by Death

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In Bangalore...

"Adalet, I'd hoped to visit Bangalore one day, but never under these circumstances! The mysterious plague we've been called to help with is unlike anything I've seen before!" Jack sighs, "the situation's horrible. All over the city, people are developing oozing, pus-filled lesions in their mouths and dying within hours! Apparently, it's common for diseases to follow natural disasters."

"As if India needed more problems..." Adalet breathed, "hopefully, this epidemic will at least stay contained. As sad as that is, we don't need a global pandemic!"

"I don't even want to imagine a world ravaged by disease," he agrees, "I just wish we could do more to help. I'd be good in a fight against SOMBRA, but they're still dormant, and this epidemic leaves me feeling useless! Angela and Lars were called here due to their disease expertise, but I'm worried about them. They're working non-stop with no results..."

"Yeah, I caught Lars sleeping standing up earlier!" she replies, "I almost didn't wake him up, but I was worried he'd fall and hurt himself!"

"I'm fine, Adalet! Another coffee and I'll be right as rain!" Lars yaws as he rubs his tired eyes.

"Lars, your eyebags have eyebags," Adalet deadpanned.

"And more importantly, rain's never right, and when did you last sleep?!" Jack questions in concern.

"Sometime this week, maybe," Lars's answers did not calm them in the least, "anyway, Adalet, I got a call from the Shiva temple. It's been closed since before the outbreak started, and when it reopened, they found one very dead body. They asked me to come, but I'm pretty busy, so could you go instead?"

"Go... get a plague-ridden corpse??" Jack nearly gags, "are you kidding? I don't want to get infected too!"

"Dude, you'll be fine," he promised, "The disease isn't airborne! It's only transmitted through direct contact. Just don't touch the corpse with your bare hands!"

"Be thankful I have a way not to touch it at all!" Adalet responds.

"Fine. After all, who doesn't love picking up plague-stricken corpses after breakfast?" Jack says sarcastically, "Adalet, you'd better grab some gloves just in case before we head to the Shiva temple!"

"Better safe than sorry, I guess!"

While Jack looked up the address for the Shiva Temple, Adalet and Hunter headed downstairs to grab an extra box of disposable gloves. Once they were ready, they climbed into their Jeep, and Jack drove toward the temple. After about a thirty minutes drive, they arrived at the temple entrance and parked beside the archway entrance. They walked under the stone arch, following the path to the Shiva statue, where the body had been found.

Laid out on the ground in front of the Shiva statue was the decomposed corpse of what once was a young man with dark hair. His blue hoodie, jeans, and shoes were dirty from being in the elements for so long. The victim's features had also rotted since his death. Looking away from the gross sight, Adalet noticed a small bronze statue of Ganesh near the victim's head and an open diary close to his feet. The statue was covered in some strange yellow powder, while the picture in the diary was of a young blonde woman, clearly not the victim.

"Oh god, that body is so - the smell, Adalet - I think I'm about to puke!" Jack groans, green-faced, as he bravely takes a closer look at the body, "are those... worms?? Adalet, this corpse is the grossest thing I've ever seen, and I once walked in on my parents!"

"First of all, I did not need that mental image," Adalet complained, "secondly, take a look at this guy's hand! It's got a strange puncture wound on it."

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