Advice from the Gentle Giant

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 "Never trap us together on a train ever again, Chief," Carmen pleaded, "I'm begging you!"

"I will make a note of your request, Carmen," Chief Ripley promised.

The Bureau had finally arrived in Mongolia and the time was nearing midnight as the train pulled into the station. The local PD was waiting to take Nikita Rukhin away to prison and bring Ilya Tretyakov's body to a funeral home so they no longer had to worry about them. They were currently gathering up all of their luggage and ready to get off the train.

"Jonah, do you mind carrying Ahmet?" Anders asked, "I don't want him to wake him up."

"Sure but... Why don't you want to take him?" Jonah inquired, moving towards the seat the young teen was sleeping across.

"Oh I do, but someone needs to carry the other sleeping beauty and I think he'll bite anyone but me who tries to," he chuckles softly, nodding to where Elliot was sleeping.

"Bold of you to assume he still won't try."

"I'll take my chances."

Jonah carefully picked Ahmet up off the seat and held him close while he saw Anders doing the same with Elliot in his peripheral vision. They followed behind the team and everyone felt relief flow through them as they stepped onto the platform.

"Now... Where's our ride?" Lars asked.

"Agents Savage and Archer should be around here somewhere," Ingrid answers, looking for the two agents.

"I don't know about Jack, but Fili's right over there," he reports, pointing to where he had spotted the blond towering over the rest of the crowd.

Lars led the way through the thin crowd of midnight travellers to where their teammates were waiting for them. Fili and Jack smiled when they caught sight of the team and waved them over.

"We were beginning to think you guys took a detour!" Jack laughed.

"Oh, we had a detour alright..." Anders grumbled, adjusting his hold on Elliot slightly, "how did you two get here so fast?"

"The storm cleared up quicker than expected," Fili replies brightly, "we were able to fly out a few hours after you guys left!"

Most of the team gave the pilot annoyed looks.

"What?" he blinks, "was it somethin' I said?"

"... just bring us back to the plane please," Anders nearly begged.

"Before another murder is committed," Carmen added.

Fili and Jack made the right decision not to ask any more questions and led them out of the station to where the Jeeps were waiting. The team loaded their luggage and then themselves into the vehicles and they all drove back to the plane to get some well-deserved sleep.

Everyone dropped their equipment off at their designated labs and decided they would deal with those messes in the morning. Fili and Anders brought the two youngest members of the team to their rooms and tucked them into their beds. Meanwhile, everyone else got ready for bed and locked themselves in their rooms to get as much sleep as they could before the sun could rise.

Fili walks through the silent plane closing the doors and ensuring each was locked for the night. He also turns off the lights for each room as he walks past before going upstairs fully prepared to join his husband in their bed. But as he walked past the lounge, he noticed that the light was on inside so he poked his head in, intending to turn it off, but paused when he saw someone sitting on the couch.

"Jonah?" Fili calls, stepping into the room, "shouldn't you be in bed?"

"Shouldn't you?" Jonah argued.

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