The Brave and The Dead

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In Manila, Philippines...

"How did we even manage to get detoured to the Philippines on our way to Indonesia?" Carmen questions as she and Anders walk through the streets of Manila, "we didn't even need to fly over it!"

Anders shrugs, "it's just our luck... Or maybe our bad luck! Either way, we're stuck here for the day until air control clears us for take-off!"

"At least it gives Elliot more time to recover from his ordeal in Singapore," she commented, "the poor kid was beaten black and blue! He keeps insisting he's fine, but I have my doubts...."

"We all do, Carmen," he agrees, "but he wants us to see him as being as tough as the rest of us... He'll never let us coddle him!"

"Sometimes I wish he would," she sighed, "I know he's a strong asset to the Bureau, but he's still just a teenager! He shouldn't have to worry about being kidnapped; he should be worrying about things like acne or homework!"

"Maybe once we take down SOMBRA, he can go back to being a normal teenager," he replies, "he can do things like hacking, play video games, hang out with friends, or-"


Anders and Carmen froze as the cry of pain reached their ears. They took off running in the direction it came from and found themselves approaching Fort Santiago, an old citadel. The agents hurried to help the person who had yelled, but they discovered they were too late when they reached the fortress's entrance.

Laying against the interior wall of the archway was an older gentleman in his mid-sixties with fair, wrinkled skin, combed-over gray hair and lifeless brown eyes. He wore simple but refined clothes; tailored black slacks, a white dress shirt under a dark yellow vest and a black blazer. He also had a black tie, a yellow pocket square, and black shoes that shined in the afternoon sunlight. The man's hands were bound behind his back, and his throat had been slashed open with blood streaming out of the fresh wound.

Looking around the entrance of Fort Santiago, Anders noticed a small, trampled bush along the side of the building. He also spots some yellowish-gold torn paper on the ground close to the victim's foot.

"Damn!" Carmen cursed, "someone slashed this guy's throat wide open!"

"And they managed to escape without us seeing them!" Anders complains, already texting the team to come to collect the body, "at least you can't blame me for finding the body this time, the guy yelled out with his last breath to get our attention!"

"He was probably hoping it wasn't going to be his last," she assumes sadly, "it looks like we've got a new murder on our hands, Anders! Have you found any clues yet?"

"There's some torn paper by the guy's foot," he answers, pocketing his phone, "and that bush over there looks like someone ran through it!"

"Possibly our killer!" she smirks, "well, Anders, solving a murder is a great way to pass the time, so let's get to work!"

Anders approached the bush first. He removes the broken branches and fallen leaves until he spots something shiny in the foliage. He pulls out a silver bracelet that reminds him of a fish hook with the hook connected to the other end. But it was the blood staining the accessory that caught his eye.

"This bracelet is covered in blood!" Anders announces, holding it up for Carmen to see.

"Finding it so close to a dead body can't be coincidental!" Carmen points out, "which means we need to send this bracelet to Lars for him to analyze!"

Anders puts the lab sample into a plastic bag, then grabs his tape to repair the torn paper. He pieces them together and sees that it is a yellow ticket with dark gold writing. According to the information, it was a ticket for all-day free roller coaster rides at the local amusement park: Cosmic City Amusement Park.

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