Valhalla Calling Thee

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 "How come we always have unforeseen delays when we need to go somewhere?" Jack questioned as he leaned against the control panel of the cockpit.

"Relax, we're just low on fuel!" Fili replies, checking the gauge, "I've already requested a fill-up, it should be here in a few hours!"

He groaned, "great! So where stuck in... Where are we stuck in?"

The pilot checked the map, "Yakutsk."

"Yakutsk when we're supposed to be in Mongolia!" Jack complains, "why do these things always happen to us?"

"If you want something to do, you can investigate a strange signal our computers picked up at the Mirny Mine," Ingrid suggested, appearing in the doorway, "the place currently is closed off for the winter, no one should be out there!"

"So you want us to go out there?! No way!" Jack refused, "what if we fall into the mine?!"

"Then take Fili with you," she replies, volunteering the Irishman.

"Me? But I need to wait for the fuel!" Fili argued.

"The Chief and Jonah can sign for and oversee the delivery," Ingrid countered, "I'd rather the two of you check out that signal and make sure no one is in danger!"

"Yes ma'am!" both men saluted, not wanting to make her angry.

"Well... Looks like you get to stretch out your legs, Fili!" Jack says, watching Ingrid leave.

Fili sighed, "I hate the cold... Let me go find Dean..."

The two left the cockpit to grab their winter gear, Fili taking his time to put on his green parka, black hat and yellow gloves (he wants to delay the inevitable, sue him!), before driving out of the plane and following the GPS coordinates to the Mirny Mine. They stopped just outside the gate closing off the area and noticed that the lock had been opened and the gate was ajar. The pair walked into the area and immediately noticed the largest diamond pit they'd ever seen several yards ahead of them. It was covered in snow so it was hard to guess its full size but Jack was positive you wouldn't be able to see the bottom.

"Jeez," Jack whistled, "how big do you think that thing is?"

"1,722 ft deep and a diameter of 3,900 ft," Fili answers without missing a beat.

He turned to stare in disbelief, "no way you know that, you just made it up!"

"Did not, I can sense how deep the mine goes into the ground," he explained, tapping his foot on the ground, "I can even tell how many underground tunnels have been dug here too!"

"Ok show off, can you also tell if there's anyone here?" he challenged.

He paused for a moment and concentrated on what he could feel on the Earth's surface, "it's hard to tell with all the snow, but there's a large mass that could be a person near the edge of the pit!"

"Well, I guess we'll have to do this the old fashion way!"

Fili and Jack carefully approached the edge of the pit and the blond guided them to where the mass was located. The mass turned out to be a person, but unfortunately, they were dead. The person looked to be around the Chief's age and about six feet tall, though she may have stood taller due to the heels she wore.

She had dark skin and long silvery-gray hair that had been tied into a tight braid but some strains must have come loose during the murder. Her green eyes stared blankly at them and she had faint scars littering her face and body. She was dressed slightly oddly, with fitted black pants tucked into thick silver boots and a long black tunic with a silver sash over top of it. She had metal gloves and gauntlets on her hands and a matching circle of silver around her forehead that had runs engraved into it. Finally, her fur-lined silver cloak was fanned out underneath her body getting soaked by the snow and blood.

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