Out of the Blue

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On a boat, off the coast of Australia...

"Adalet, I can't believe we're sailing out to find an uncharted island from a 30-year-old SOMBRA map!" Jack yells over the wind as he looks through his binoculars, trying to find the island among the rough waves.

"I think it's a solid lead!" Elliot says, holding the hood of his raincoat like many of the team were, "I managed to get in touch with X again to ask about the map, and X's response was "Full steam ahead"!"

"So X knows about the island?" Jack frowns, "that settles it: X must be SOMBRA too! Adalet, this is a trap!"

"I share your doubts, bro!" Lars agrees, "even if we find this secret island, what are we supposed to do there? Will X meet us? What if this alleged SOMBRA facility doesn't even exi-"

"It exists; Fili said SOMBRA sent him to stop us from coming here," Adalet growls, "they wouldn't have done that if there wasn't a secret facility for us to find!"

"Land! Land!" Jack announces, pointing at the mass of land he just spotted, "the secret island's in front of us!"

"At last!" Chief Ripley declared, "Johan, Lars, help me moor the boat! Adalet and Jack, you're going ashore!"

After carefully navigating the boat to shore and dropping anchor, Adalet and Jack climbed off to investigate the island landing. Walking up the beach from their ship towards the forest, it didn't take long for them to find a dead blue man lying on the sandy rocks. Beside the body was an overstuffed yellow bag, and a smouldering cigarette was at the man's feet.

"Whoa! SOMBRA sure knows how to welcome visitors! There's a dead body on the beach! And look at his skin; he's all blue!" Jack cried before recognition set in, "hold on, we know this guy! He's Professor Metcalf! He's the scientist behind the "next level" experiments!"

Adalet glares at the corpse, "he should consider himself lucky that someone killed him before I got my hands on him... And that I don't know how to summon ghosts!"

Her partner took a step back for his safety, "we know Metcalf also experimented on himself, but that humongous syringe sticking out of his neck doesn't look self-administered... more like someone brutally stabbed him with it! But Adalet, if this is a secret facility only SOMBRA knows about, it means only SOMBRA could've killed Metcalf. But why? Metcalf was the brains behind the "next level"!"

"We've already seen SOMBRA kill its own members..." she replies, thinking back to Sydney.

He ponders momentarily, "since we know X must be SOMBRA... maybe X was Metcalf? If he betrayed SOMBRA, that explains why they silenced him! Which means we're now alone on SOMBRA's turf... with a murder to solve!"

"And since we didn't pass any other ships on the way here... Metcalf's killer must still be on this island!" she reasoned.

"Let's get on their trail! Any clues?" Jack inquired.

"This cigarette's still smouldering, and I don't recall Metcalf smoking! We need to grab a saliva sample!" Adalet says, picking up the warm, crushed stick.

"And that waterproof bag must be Metcalf's; his initials are on it! Let's search its contents!" he says, "Adalet, there's no going back now! We must solve this murder if we want this island to give up its secrets!"

Jack returned to the boat to get help bringing Metcalf's body to Angela's makeshift morgue. While he was gone, Adalet opened the victim's bag to search its contents. Metcalf must have been planning an escape from the island because he had a lot of survival and navigation gear. Along with the equipment, she finds a locked cell phone as Jack jogs back with Jonah and Lars, who are carrying a stretcher board between them.

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