Bonding with the Triplets

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"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" the triplets chant as they run up to Lars, who is walking out of his lab covered in soot, "come play with us!"

"Sorry, girls, but Daddy needs to take a shower. He blew up his lab sample again!" Lars chuckles sheepishly, "but I can play with you afterwards."

"Aww!" they whine.

"So we have to wait?" April questions.

Lars ruffles her hair, "sadly, yes, but why don't you see if anyone else on the team would like to play? Just don't bother anyone who's working, ok?"

"Ok!" the girls promised. Lars smiled before heading upstairs to wash the soot off him and enjoy a nice hot shower.

"Who should we play with?" April asks her sisters.

May hummed as she contemplated the options, "Uncle Jonah said he was gonna clean the guns today, and that sounds boring! And Auntie Marina was going to call someone... Did she say their name was Uk?"

"I think she said "Vuk"," June corrected, "so she's busy too... And Chief Ripley, Auntie Ingrid and Grandpa Dupont have boring old people stuff to do...."

"Why are adults so boring?!" April complains, "oh! What about Daca A?! He's fun! I bet he'll play with us!"

"Yeah! Let's go find him!" she yells, running to the stairs at the back of the plane.

The triplets thundered up the stairs and raced down the hallway to Anders's bedroom. They knocked impatiently on the door and waited for the man to open it. They heard muffled voices from behind the door, and a few moments later, it slid open to reveal the golden-eyed man dressed in casual clothes. But even the girls could tell that his oversized yellow shirt had to belong to Fili.

Anders smiles down at the three, "oh, hey girls, what can I do for you?"

"Daca A, will you play with us?" the three asks, putting on their award-winning puppy-dog eyes.

"Sure, my friend has to leave soon anyways," he replies, gesturing for the girls to enter his bedroom.

The triplets didn't know what Anders meant by his friend leaving soon; the only other beings in the bedroom were Loki and Hunter. The former resting in their hanging bed, and the latter curled up on the large bed. They watched Anders walk over to his desk and sit in front of his laptop, signalling them to join him, and the girls approached curiously.

Anders picks each girl up with surprising strength. He holds April by having her sit on his right arm, May gets placed on his lap, and June gets cradled in his left arm. As each girl gets comfortable, they notice another man watching from the laptop screen.

He appeared to be the same age as Anders, with brown eyes, short black hair and a five-o'clock shadow. They could only see from above his waist, but he had a white t-shirt and a black leather jacket. It looked like he was also sitting in a bedroom since they could see a bed behind him, the edge of a closet, and sunlight streaming through a large window.

The man smiles, "bonjour, and who might you three be?"

"These are my teammates' kids. Meet April, May, and June," Anders introduced, nodding to each girl as he said their names, "girls, I'd like you to meet my friend Gauthier Delacroix. We go way back!"

Gauthier chuckles, "you make us sound old, Anders. It's nice to meet you three!"

"Your voice is pretty!" April complimented.

"His face is pretty!" May chimed in.

"Is that a cat?!" June asks, noticing a fluffy white cat sleeping on the bed.

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