Die by the Sword

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In Iraq...

"Agents, we're in Iraq, it's time to act! You must find Ambassador Stern's kidnapped son before it's too late!" Ingrid orders.

"I still can't believe The Sword would kidnap Andrew Stern!" Carmen comments in shock.

"What I can't believe is that this assassin keeps getting away! Are we the Bureau, or a bunch of trainee traffic cops?" she yelled, burning with rage.

"Deep breath, Ingrid," Anders advised, "this is a crisis, but we can solve it if we make a plan."

"First, remember what Anders discovered in Dubai: The Sword's set up a trap for us! We don't know exactly what it is..." Carmen mused, "but it must have started with Chief Ripley's murder. The Sword knew we'd follow the assassin's trail anywhere in the world, regardless of danger."

"So everything we've done in the Sahara is part of The Sword's plot to lure us here, to war-torn Iraq!" Ingrid summarized.

"Exactly!" she confirmed, "but we had no choice: we did it for Ripley, remember? And now we're doing it for Andrew! And we've discovered something more: The Sword isn't a lone assassin. There's a global criminal organization behind them: SOMBRA."

"We don't know much about SOMBRA," Anders chimes in, "but if they made their entrance by killing our Chief, it's safe to assume they won't stop there."

"So, what's your plan, Anders? If you attempt to rescue the kid, isn't it exactly what The Sword expects you to do?" Ingrid questioned.

"Well we can't let Andrew die!" he argued, "we can't let Ripley's killer escape justice either!"

"Guys, I've got news! Remember that Andrew's mother put a tracking device in Andrew's stuffed bear?" Elliot asks as he rushes into the room, "I've captured the signal from the bear! It's coming from an abandoned museum!"

"You heard Elliot, Anders: a new lead on Andrew's whereabouts! Let's search that museum straight away!" Carmen says, punching her fist into her palm.

"Off you go, then! And since Jack still hasn't reported for duty, you're going with Anders, Carmen!" Ingrid directed, "search that museum and don't come back without results!"

Before heading out to investigate the wrecked museum, Anders and Carmen put on bulletproof vests and grabbed extra ammunition for their guns. Once they were prepared they followed Elliot's GPS directions to the museum to rescue Andrew. But when they arrived at the bombed-out building, they saw no sign of the child anywhere.

While Andrew wasn't there, there had been someone in the museum, more specifically a decapitated body. Searching the destroyed room where they found his body they also discovered a colourful red, orange and yellow satchel on a broken stone display. Hunter also found a damaged brown teddy bear with a blue ribbon around its neck sitting on a dirty chair that had pieces of rope tied to it.

"Anders, there's no sign of Andrew anywhere! But... there's a beheaded man over there!" Carmen cried, "do you think this man was involved in Andrew's kidnapping? Whoever he is, he can't be The Sword, if he's dead! And what happened to Andrew? Where is he?"

"Possibly, no idea and no idea again," Anders answers each question, "but what I do know is that we've met this guy back when his head was still attached, it's Anir Aznag, he was the nomadic tribesmen who found that dead American in his camp!"

"But how did a peaceful nomad get caught up in The Sword's plans? Could it be... The Sword who killed him?" she suggests, "I see you've found the victim's bag! Let's search it, we need some answers about Anir's role in the kidnapping!"

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