The Impossible Dream

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"Agent Adalet, let's recap!" Ripley says to the woman sitting across from her desk, "we know that the Promethians are planning to bomb several major monuments in Europe in a bid to sway the results of the referendum on European unification. And Jacqueline Proust says she knows where the bomb detonator is hidden! I'm not sure we can trust her, given that she's admitted to joining the Promethians... But she's our only lead since Klaus went up in flames!"

Adalet winced, "I'm never going to forget that smell!"

"To complicate things further, thousands of tourists have flocked to Spain for the Semana Santa holy week carnival, so Proust is laying low in the countryside. You'll meet her there. Stay safe, Adalet," she orders, "and remember the fate of Europe depends on you!"

'No pressure...' Adalet thought as she saluted her Chief before leading Hunter out of the office.

She headed down to the plane's garage and loaded Hunter into the sidecar of one of the motorcycles. Jack had already gone ahead to secure the meeting point, so they would meet him there. Navigating through the Spanish streets she parked beside Jack's motorcycle that was at the start of the path leading up to the meeting spot. Adalet and Hunter left the bike behind and walked along the path towards a hill of windmills turning in the cool evening breeze. Jack was standing around waiting for them and waved when he caught sight of his partner and her dog approaching.

"Nice to see you, Adalet. Proust refused to give us an exact address where we could find her, but she said she'd meet us here," Jack says, gesturing at the windmills, "I haven't seen any sign of her yet though. Perhaps we should take a look around those windmills!"

Jack and Adalet continued along the path leading up to the windmills while looking out for any signs of Jacquline. As they approached the windmill, an intense smell of burnt barbeque hit their senses but they were kilometres from where the festivities were being held so they didn't know where the smell was coming from. As they rounded the corner to the front of the windmills, they saw where the smell was coming from.

Near one of the windmills was a metal bull statue with black smoke billowing out of the animal's nostrils. A smouldering fire was burning away below the bull's stomach, which had the side opened and the charred body of a woman hanging out of it. Looking around the sickening sight, Adalet picked up some broken pieces of plastic and a gold pocket watch off the pathway while Hunter found a rolled-up scroll sitting on top of a stone near the bronze bull.

"Oh my God, Adalet! There's... there's a dead woman in that weird metal bull! And it... it looks like she's been burnt to death!" Jack gags, looking a little flushed.

"Are you alright, Jack?" Adalet asks in concern.

He swallows the bile burning in the back of his throat, "I'm fine, Adalet. I must have just... eaten something dodgy."

She kneels to get a closer look at the brunt face, "oh my Gods, I think this is Jacqueline Proust! She's wearing the same scarf and broach as she was in Paris!"

"This just gets worse and worse!" Jack complained in dismay.

"Pull yourself together, Jack!" Adalet ordered, standing up, "The Promethians must have realized she was going to lead us to the detonator and decided to make sure she stayed quiet."

"But what are we going to do now?!" he shouted, "Jacqueline was our only lead on where to find the detonator! The bombs they've planted across Europe could go off at any minute!"

She sighs, "hopefully we have time to solve her murder, finding her killer may lead us to the detonator!"

"Oh, thank God you've picked up some clues, Adalet," he breathed in reply, seeing what she was holding, "you grabbed some broken pieces? Anything is worth a shot! You also found a pocket watch?"

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