The Sweet Escape

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On a boat, off the coast of Indonesia...

"Team, it's time to step up our game. SOMBRA almost got a one-up on us by kidnapping Elliot in Singapore, and thanks to all of you, we got him back safely!" Chief Ripley addresses the team as they stand near the ship's bow, "from what Elliot's told us, the SOMBRA agent who kidnapped him was planning on bringing him here, to Indonesia. And we need to find out why!"

"And I'll help every step of the way!" Elliot vows, the bandages finally removed from his face, and his bruises almost healed.

"Elliot! I wish you'd heeded my advice and stayed on dry land to recover from your ordeal," she sighed.

"And I wish you guys would stop treating me like a kid. I keep telling you - I'm fine!" he insisted, "besides, I wanna do my part in discovering what kind of experiments SOMBRA's carrying out on their brainwashed recruits! Especially after they threatened my family!"

"Fine. But I want you to take it easy for a while," she orders, "we'll need you in top form later."

"Hey, Chief," Jack calls, shielding his eyes as he looks to the island shore, "I think I can see somebody passed out on the beach!"

"Whoever they are, they could be related to SOMBRA! Open the throttle, Anders!" Ripley barks, "you need to reach that beach NOW!"

"Anything to get me away from Fili's sea shanties!" Anders groans, pushing the lever beside the ship's wheel forward to full speed.

"Aw!" Fili mock whines, steering the boat, "I was just going to start singing The Rattlin' Bog!"

"That's not even a sea shanty!"

Fili laughs while guiding the ship as close to shore as he could without beaching the boat. He calls Jonah to lower the anchor, and the weapon's expert turns the handle to drop the anchor. With the ship stuck in place, Anders and Jack jump into a motorized dinghy boat hanging from the side of the ship, and Carmen holds the button to lower them into the water. The team watched the agents pilot the small boat to shore and climb out to investigate the beach.

Anders and Jack walked onto the hot sand and approached the person the latter had spotted from the boat. Unfortunately, there was no helping the young woman; a spear was pierced through her back and coming out of her chest while her lifeless yellow eyes stared into the sun. Looking around the beach, Anders picks up a photo he found inside a marooned boat and a professional video camera sitting on the rocks near the shoreline.

"We're too late, Anders. This girl's dead!" Jack exclaimed, "someone's speared her! Wait a minute, does she look familiar to you?"

"She does!" Anders agrees, kneeling beside the girl's head, "and I know where we've seen this girl before! She was in the SOMBRA DVD we found in Japan - the one where we found out about the "next level" program! If she's here in Indonesia, we're definitely hot on SOMBRA's trail!"

"Do you think SOMBRA might've killed her, Anders?" he wonders, "but why would they kill one of their recruits?!"

"It wouldn't be the first time, but something feels off," he replies, "we'd better send her body to Angela."

"It's a good thing we've got all our equipment back on the boat..." he commented, "did you find anything else to help us make sense of this mess, Anders?"

"I've got this photo," Anders answers, holding it up between his fingers, "and a fancy camera!"

Jack takes the picture, "well spotted - that's our victim! And it looks like she was pretty close to this guy, whoever he is. You'd better see if we can find him in the database. If we're lucky, it might also give us our victim's ID! And that camera might be our ticket to a fast arrest... if you can unlock its secrets! If we're going to uncover what SOMBRA's up to, then solving this murder is our first course of action! Let's do this, Anders!"

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