It's Been a Long Time Coming...

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Adalet sat quietly in a private visitation room in The Bordeaux Prison, waiting patiently in the hard plastic chair. The guard told her it would only take ten minutes to bring the prisoner she had requested, and she listened to the time tick past from the clock on the wall. She nervously wrung her sweaty hands together and fought the temptation to check for the guard's return. She couldn't believe it had been almost three years since she last saw him...

Three years since William Murphy was arrested for murdering his aunt and Adalet's fake mother, Renée Murphy.

Sometimes, it felt like just yesterday that Adalet and Will shared a house in Grimsborough. Well, it was more like Will was crashing at Adalet's house in Grimsborough, but the man pulled his weight, so she didn't complain about his presence... Much. But after his arrest, her house felt too empty, too quiet, even with Fili constantly visiting her accompanied by Dean and a fresh bouquet of flowers.

At least now she knows how he had a never-ending supply of flowers...

But Adalet was getting sidetracked. She missed Will even if he was a killer. He thought he was doing something good but had no idea how wrong he was. Renée would have given up when she realized Adalet wasn't a little girl she could play house with anymore. But Will jumped the gun (or maybe knife was more accurate), and now he was serving a fifteen-year prison sentence. Gone was Will's ability to travel the world and film its wonders for his documentaries; now, he would stare at the same walls day after day for the next decade at least.

Adalet was pulled from her thoughts as the door to the room opened, causing her to sit up straight. The guard held the door open, but her attention was on the man in the orange jumpsuit and chains. Will looked much the same since the last time she saw him, but he had grown out his beard, and his curly hair wasn't as shiny. And his eyes... They were missing the spark they used to always carry. They used to have so much life, so much joy, and now they were blank, uncaring.

The guard showed Will to the seat across from Adalet before leaving the room and closing the door. Neither said a word as they sat opposite each other, and Will made no effort to meet Adalet's eyes. Instead, he focused on the way the sun shined on the table, watching the specks of dust float in the air. Adalet didn't know what to say; how did you greet someone after not seeing them for three years? Especially when the last time you saw them, they were being arrested for killing your fake mother?

So Adalet said the one thing that had been on her mind since the Bureau landed in Montreal.

"I've missed you, Will," Adalet says, breaking the silence.

Will had no reaction, not even a blink. If not for his chest rising and falling, Adalet would have thought he was dead.

Looks like this might be a one-sided conversation... At least for now. Thankfully, Adalet was Aslan's daughter and inherited his ability to talk without seeming to need a break. Though she could contain it better than Aslan... Not that he ever tried to.

"So, a lot has happened since we last talked," Adalet says as if the two had talked recently instead of not seeing each other for THREE YEARS, "did you know that Grimsborough had a secret cult called the Crimson Order? Seriously! They had red robes and everything! Talk about cliche! I was expecting to find a sacrificial altar next! Guess those went out of style hundreds of years ago... Turns out the prison warden was the man in charge, but his sanity was lacking..."

"But if that wasn't crazy enough already, I moved to Pacific Bay and let me tell you, that place was a roller coaster of drama! It was like one reveal after another! The first district was fine, nothing too weird, but then we moved on to the voodoo and swaps! I can handle the heat, but not high priestesses trying to curse me! Though I'd almost take that over chasing an organ-stealing killer! Seriously, the guy wanted to put the organs into himself; didn't he know how dangerous that was?! There was no way he would have survived!"

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