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In Bollywood...

"Boy, I've been looking forward to this vacation, Adalet! After tackling an earthquake, a tsunami, a plague, and a blackout," Jack listed off on his fingers, "I'd say some leisure time is well-deserved!"

"For once, you're right, Archer. SOMBRA still seems to be dormant, and Elliot is hot on O.M. MediLab's trail, but in order to catch them, we'll need to be well-rested," Chief Ripley says wisely.

"And how better to unwind than by visiting a movie set, Adalet?" he asks.

Adalet hums, "there are other ways that I like to relax, but a movie set will do!"

"There's a new Bollywood movie called "Bowled Over" being filmed not far from here, and the director has agreed to give us a guided tour!" Jack informs his partner, "the thing is, though, Lars hasn't been right since he got sick in Bangalore. I really need to spend some bro time with him, and I wouldn't want you to get bored... So maybe you could take Carmen with you instead, Adalet?"

Carmen looks up from her phone, "why not, Adalet? I do enjoy a bit of crazy dancing. And my sister has always been a massive fan of Bollywood! Let's head to the movie set!"

They rode a Jeep out of the plane and followed the GPS's directions to the studio where Blowed Over was filming. They parked close to the entrance and walked to stage 3 to find the director for their tour. The man was nowhere to be seen, but a woman was lying on the stage, leaning up against the base of one of the cameras. However, she wouldn't be able to give them a tour either; all the blood covering her body was a clear indicator that she was dead.

As they approached the stage for a closer look, they noticed someone had dropped a note on one of the staircases to the stage. Adalet picked it up as she climbed the stairs and saw a substance staining the paper.

"Adalet, that body... It's not a prop, is it?" Carmen assumed, rubbing her forehead, "this poor girl looks like she's been beaten to death! Where the hell is that director-"

"Welcome, welcome, Agents-" a sharp gasp interrupted the welcome as a man carrying a megaphone entered the room, "oh my, is that Priya? Is she... dead?! How is this possible?"

"You must be the directory," Adalet assumed, "stand aside, please, sir. We will need to ask you some questions."

"I should've known this holiday was too good to be true," Carmen grumbles as the director steps out into the hall, "at least you've picked up a clue to help us solve this murder, Adalet. Let's hope it's a good one!"

The Hybrid holds up the page to read the printed message, "the note reads, "In death, your sins will be absolved."."

"In death"? This note must've been talking about our victim!" she reasons.

"And there's some kind of substance on the note!" she shows her partner the stain in the corner.

"Let's grab a sample!"

Carmen sent a message to the team about the murder and requested someone come and collect the body. She then proceeded to grab the roll of Bureau police tape from Adalet's case and rope off the area. Meanwhile, Adalet got out a swabbing kit and collected a sample of the transparent substance on the note for analysis.

"You've collected a sample of that substance from the note written by the killer," Carmen remarks as she returns to where Adalet is standing, "let's put it under the microscope and see what it tells us!"

"But before doing that, let's question Gurvinder Chowdhury about the victim," Adalet says, putting the sample, note, and roll of tape into her case.

Leaving the crime scene, Adalet and Carmen entered the hallway and discovered Gurvinder pacing back and forth while cradling his head.

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