God Save The Prince

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A/N: Disclaimer; I do not own Criminal Case: Save the World nor its characters, all rights belong to Pretty Simple. I only hold rights to my OCs. If you haven't read my other stories, I would recommend you read them first as parts of this story won't make sense otherwise.


Adalet pulled her hand off of the snooze button and let it hang over the edge of the bed. The sun was shining in through the crack in the curtains casting a warm glow into the room. Fili groaned from beside her and he rolled onto his side and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Ready for your first day at the bureau?" he asked, his accent even thicker in the morning.

"Yeah," Adalet replied, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, "what do you and Ahmet have planned for your day in London?"

"I have a meeting with MI6 this morning to finalize the paperwork for my transfer," Fili groaned, already feeling his hand cramping just thinking about how many times he'd have to sign his name, "then I think I'll show Ahmet around, take 'im the London Eye, maybe make time for some book shopping..."

"Just don't take him to platform 9 3/4, I reserve that right!" she declared.

"Yes, yes... I won't take him anywhere near King's Cross station," he vowed, "now come on, let's get ready!"

The couple forced themselves out of the bed and moved around the room as they got ready for the day. Adalet found her cropped red leather jacket with sleeves that stopped at her elbows and a black hood made of specialized sensory deprivation fabric. She then found a burnt orange tank-top, a pair of black fitted pants, and her knee-high dark red, combat-style boots. She slipped her GIA compass into an inner pocket of her coat and cellphone into an outer zipper pocket, strapped her gun onto her belt, then whistled for Loki to jump up and settle in their place wrapped around her neck.

Fili meanwhile pulled out his clothes from his suitcase while Adalet left to make sure their son was up. He found a forest green dress shirt, a black vest, dark brown slacks plus a belt, and dark oxford shoes. Even though he needed to visit MI6, he wasn't going in a full suit no matter what his boss said! He also clipped the compass/clock Adalet had gifted him to his belt and strapped his gun on the other side. As he was tucking a floral patterned pocket square into his vest's pocket Adalet and Ahmet arrived from the adjoining room.

The young boy was wearing black joggers, his running shoes, and the athletic hoodie Adalet and Fili had gotten him for passing with As and Bs on his report card. It had a black body with red sleeves that could cover the back of his hands and had a hold for his thumbs, and a matching red hood. On the left side of the chest, Fili had embroidered the symbol Ahmet had designed to represent his parents. It was sewn with gold-coloured thread and was of a crescent moon interlocking with what at first glance looked like a sun but was actually a sunflower. The moon was for his mom and the sunflower was for his dad. Ahmet already had Scout's backpack on his back, the fox poking out of the opening and resting his head on his owner's shoulder.

"If he decides to practice his parkour while we're out, I'm not chasing after him!" Fili proclaimed.

"Aw!" Ahmet mock wined, "why not!?"

"Because you're dressed for runnin' while I'm wearin' oxfords!" he replied, holding up his foot.

Adalet shook her head but couldn't help the smile on her face, "come on you two, let's go get breakfast before we're running late!"

Grabbing Dean and Hunter, the family headed downstairs to the dining room of their hotel to get some breakfast to start their day. After the hearty English-style breakfast, Adalet wished her boys a good day as they got into their taxi to go to MI6 for Fili's paperwork. Then Hunter and she got into their own taxi and headed over to the Bureau to meet their new boss.

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