Call Me, Kill Me

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"It's nice to finally have a date night," Adalet says as she and Fili look over the menu for the 360 Restaurant, "it feels like the only time we get to spend alone together is when we're sleeping!"

"It's nice to get away from the team and the plane," Fili agrees, "I love Astra, but I think even she needs a break from us and the craziness!"

"Hopefully, once we defeat SOMBRA, she'll be able to get some much-deserved rest," she hums as their server comes to take their orders.

"What can I get for you two?" they inquired, pen posed over their notepad.

"May I have the Cape D'or Salmon?" Adalet requested.

"Of course," they reply, writing it down, "can I get you something to drink?"

"I'll stick with water for now," she replies, closing her menu.

The server nods before turning to Fili, "what would you like, Sir?"

"Can I get the Braised Alberta Beef Cheek and a glass of the CN Tower Lager?" Fili asks, "could we also have the Thuet's Artisanal Sourdough Bread for an appetizer?"

"Excellent choices!" they smile, writing the last requests. Pocketing their notepad, they collect the menus, "I'll bring your drink over shortly."

The couple thanked the server as they disappeared to the kitchen to submit their order. Adalet and Fili stayed silent as they looked around the restaurant at the other patrons and out the window of the CN Tower overlooking the city of Toronto. The circular room was packed with people visiting for supper, chatting and enjoying the delicious food. It really was nice to get out and relax together, no murder, no criminals, no SOMBRA-

"They'll get here when they get here!"

-but there were still annoying customers.

Adalet and Fili look over to the table several seats away from them, where an elderly gentleman sits alone at a table for four. The man had arrived before them but had been grumbling since they sat down. His fair, wrinkled skin had an ugly scowl, bushy gray eyebrows over gray eyes, thick brown glasses, and a short gray beard wrapped around his jaw. He had light brown slacks held up by a belt, orthopedic shoes, and a black and blue plaid shirt. The man's cane was hanging from the chair beside him, along with his black pageboy cap.

"I wonder why they're taking so long..." Fili quips, rolling his eyes, "he seems like the perfect guest..."

"Oh hush," Adalet orders, looking away from the man, "at least he hasn't been too bad to the workers! Though that's a fine line..."

"Hopefully, whoever he's waiting for will show up soon so they can occupy him!" he prayed as his glass of beer arrived. He raises his glass, "cheers, starlight!"

"Cheers, sunshine," she replies, clinking her glass against his, "to-"


An explosion erupted in the room, causing everyone to panic and run for the exit. Adalet and Fili sprang from their seats to see where it had come from and spotted the angry customer with his face on the table and a bleeding hole blasted into the side of his head. Adalet approached the body and looked for other bombs or signs of danger while Fili directed people out of the restaurant. Thankfully, the room was clear of any more explosives, and once all the customers had left, Fili joined his wife at the dead man's table.

"What the hell just happened!?" Fili exclaimed, "did this guy's head explode?!"

"I think something exploded near his head," Adalet replied, lifting the man's hand, "his hand is burned too, so he must have been holding the explosive device... But no one was even near him!"

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