Kicking the Bucket

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In South Africa...

"Anders, there's not a second to lose. Thanks to Michelle and Elliot, we know that Prince Abioye of Mazunda is being targeted for assassination by SOMBRA! All our efforts to contact Prince Abioye and warn him have failed, but Elliot's discovered that he's still alive and well..." Chief Ripley says happily, "and he's due to give a talk in a nearby village in just moments!"

"And you want us to go there? How can we do anything knowing that there's a mole in our team?!" Jack scowls.

"Because we still have people to protect. It's imperative that we get to the Prince before anyone can harm him!" she snapped, "you'll take Michelle with you. She knows SOMBRA better than anyone; she'll be able to identify any threats."

"Yeah, unless Michelle kills the Prince herself!" he countered, "she's a SOMBRA agent, after all!"

"This is not the time for you to question my authority, Archer. Grab Michelle and head to the Zulu village NOW!" she orders.

After finding Michelle, the three drove to the village square to search for Prince Abioye. They arrived at the peaceful village and walked past the dome-shaped huts until they reached the square where a large stone well was built. But that was when the peace was disrupted.

Lying across the side of the well was the body of a fair-skinned blonde woman. Her arms were bound behind her back, and her ankles were tied with ropes. On the other side of the well was a metal bucket, and a torn photo was scattered in the shade of a nearby hut.

"What the heck, Anders?!" Jack yelped, "this girl looks like she's been fished out of that well!"

"And this was no accident...." Anders kneels beside the body, "her hands and feet have been tied up. We've got another murder on our hands!"

"And this is no ordinary murder... I recognize this girl, Anders!" Michelle revealed, "her name's Kayla Pieterse, and she's a SOMBRA assassin!"

"This girl was a SOMBRA assassin?!" Jack exclaimed, "so this Kayla must've been here to assassinate the Prince! Looks like somebody got to her first... Which means the imminent threat to the Prince's life is over!"

"Speaking of the Prince, I can't see him anywhere, can you, Anders?" she inquired.

Anders shakes his head, "no royals in sight!"

"Don't worry, Michelle. We'll take it from here. I'm sure Anders's already picked up some great clues to help us make sense of this murder!" Jack declares, but his confidence falters when he sees the clues, "like this... bucket... Um..."

"If our victim died in the well, this bucket could be a vital clue," Anders explains, "I'll grab my dusting kit!"

He nods, "and that torn paper could shed some light on whatever took place here. Let's tape it up!"

Jack calls the team while Anders examines his clues. He repaired the torn photo first and saw that it was a picture of the victim and a young African man. The man had an arm draped over Kayla's shoulder as the two sat on wooden steps, smiling at each other.

"Jack, the girl in this photo is clearly our victim!" Anders tells his partner after Jack has ended his phone call.

"But who's the guy she's cozy with?" Jack wondered, peering around Anders's shoulder, "let's look for this guy in the database!"

The Bureau would never regret getting that unlimited data plan for agent cell phones. Anders connected to the database and scanned the image of the unknown man into it. After finding the correct features, he could identify Kayla's companion.

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