The King's Shadow

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In Campanilla, Colombia...

"Adalet, we had adventures of Olympic proportions in Rio. And I don't just mean my little hallucinogenic trip," Jack chuckles as he, Adalet, Carmen and Dupont walk towards the town square, "but I could use a reminder about our new mission...."

"We're in Campanilla, Colombia! The village was named after a beautiful 12th-century bell, or "campana" in Spanish!" Dupont tells his teammates, "it is located in the tower behind us!"

"Dupont, there's no time for a guided tour! We've come to Campanilla because of another Spanish word: SOMBRA!" Carmen reminded the historian, "according to an old flyer we found in Rio and the testimony of Hector Montoya, SOMBRA may have started in the village many years ago as a circle of intellectuals!"

"All the more reason to study Campanilla thoroughly!" he declares, "if SOMBRA started here, we're bound to find something on El Rey, too!"

"El Rey?" Jack echoed, "I don't know. Are we sure that dude's even alive? He must be older than dirt! And if h-"


They flinched at the ringing of something large crashing to the ground nearby. They couldn't see anything from where they stood, but the proximity to the sound told them they were close.

"Adalet, did you hear that?" Jack asks, rubbing his ears, "my ears are still ringing!"

"WHAT?!" Adalet yells, covering her ears, relieved not to feel blood trickling from them. Loki moves off Adalet's neck and to her head to morph into headphones, blocking most of the noise but still allowing her to hear her teammates at a quieter level.

"It came from that old bell tower over there!" Carmen identifies, pointing to the ruins, "guys, let's see what's going on!"

Dupont stayed at the town square while Carmen, Jack, Adalet, and Hunter ran to the old bell tower to investigate the loud crash. They entered the decrepit stone building and spotted the tower's bell in the centre of the floor, having fallen from the bell chamber. But worst of all, they could see a pool of blood rapidly forming and a hand sticking out from under the bell.

The three rushed to help the person crushed by the bell and noticed that the rope still attached to the handle looked to have a clean cut and not frayed tears that would be expected of it breaking from old age. Hunter also notices a ticket near the bell and picks it up as the agents work on saving the trapped person.

Adalet plants her feet and braces herself as she lifts the bell. She holds it up long enough for Jack and Carmen to drag the victim out from underneath it, and once they are out of the way, Adalet drops the bell. The poor body was covered in blood, and their neck looked broken, a clear sign that they couldn't be saved.

"Oh my God!" Jack cried, taking in the sight of the mangled body, "this can't be who I think it is!?"

"It is," Adalet responded, staring at the lifeless brown eyes, "Ignacio Muñoz... What is he doing in Colombia?"

"The better question is, how did he end up crushed to death by a bell?" Carmen wondered, taking in the man's blood-stained blue suit, "and look at the rope attached to the bell! Someone cut the bell down! This is murder!"

"Which means we should examine this rope for forensic clues!" Adalet says, using her boot knife to cut it off the bell.

"Ignacio was murdered? But who could've killed him? And why?" Jack questions, "sure, he was creepy, but is that enough reason to kill someone?"

"I don't know, but that ferry ticket might tell us! Let's run that flash code through the database and see who bought it!" Carmen says, taking the ticket from Hunter's mouth, "we've walked into SOMBRA's turf. I guess we can't be too surprised that they greeted us by killing someone...."

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