Lights, Camera, Death!

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"Remind me again why we needed to stop in Sultanistain?" Carmen questions as Ingrid split up the team into groups to ride in the Jeeps.

"Lars, Angela you're riding with Fili," Ingrids directed, "and because the King heard that the Bureau was landing in Riyadh to refuel and requested that we visit him in the royal family's private floor of the Kingdom Centre. Dupont, Marina, you two will be in Jack's Jeep."

"Oh joy," Marina whispered, walking to stand beside the Jeep Jack would be driving.

"Now, I want you all to be on your best behaviour!" she orders, eyeing a few members in particular, "so do not destroy anything, do not even touch anything! Do not make fools of yourselves and for the love of God do not get arrested! We don't have enough bail money for everyone..."

"Well be good, Ingrid," Adalet promises, "but we better hurry, the King is expecting us in a half-hour!"

"Alright team into the Jeeps!" Ingrid yells, clapping her hands.

Everyone climbed into the seats of the Jeep Ingrid had assigned them to with Fili and Jack behind the wheels. Fili's Jeep led the way to the 41-story tower known as the Kingdom Centre which was primarily made of glass windows that reflected the blazing sunlight off of them. At the top of the tower was a podium with two symmetrical wings with an almond-shaped space between them.

After parking in the designated area, The Bureau walked into the main entrance and showed the security desk their badges. After receiving visitor passes for the top floor where the King was staying, they were escorted to a large elevator big enough for all of them to ride in. The ride to the top floor took several minutes but at least the team could enjoy the luxury elevator in private.

"Who is the King of Sultanistain anyway?" Jack inquired as the elevator passed the 20th floor.

"Currently, it is King Mohammad Ben Khalid Souleyman, son of the former King Khalid Ben Omar Souleyman who tragically passed away two years ago while visiting the United States," Dupont answered, leaning on his cane.

"Yeah, death by blunt force trauma via horse is a terrible way to go," Adalet agrees, leaning against Fili as the couple watch their son tracing the mosaic designs engraved in the walls of the elevator.

"A horse?!" Angela explained, "how was he killed by a horse?"

"His skull was smashed by the horse's hooves after the killer used an exploding beehive to startle it," she explains.

"That's just making more questions..." Carmen deadpanned.

Adalet shrugged, "I'm just telling you what happened, imagine investigating that murder and having to explain that the killer was human but the murder weapon was a horse! I think Nathan could have slapped Jones..."

"Who and who?" Jack questioned.

"Oh, have I never mentioned them? Jones was my first partner and Nathan was our coroner back in Grimsborough," she explains, "there was also Alex, Grace, Ramirez, and King. Tech, forensics, patrol officer, and Chief respectively."

"I remember my first partner, it was this senior detective that was so by the book I swear he carried around a copy of it everywhere he went!" Jack chuckles at the memory.

"My first partner could sniff out a story a mile away," Carmen reminisced, "she wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty either!"


Any further comments were cut off as the elevator reached the 41st floor and the doors slid open to reveal the large circular room. It had white marble floors, white walls with gold accents, and abstract artwork placed strategically around the room. The furniture was white and glass with couches, chairs, and a dining table set up around the room. Near the far right wall, they saw someone sitting on the couch in front of a wide TV with their back to the team and guards positioned on either end of the couch. It looked like the person was watching a children's movie, though they weren't sure which one it was. A woman dressed in a modest black dress sitting on a chair near the couch noticed their arrival.

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