Oh! Crazy Kill!

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"Adalet, your latest discoveries about SOMBRA's activity in Asia are most alarming! Not only are they abducting orphans, but they could also be brainwashing the children to follow their ideals. We need to figure out how and why!" Chief Ripley instructed, "according to Tsukada Chieko; her brother was taken to South Korea. I've told Elliot to keep an eye out for her brother and any suspicious activity. We'll check in with him for updates. We also need to keep an eye on anything aimed at kids. SOMBRA could be abusing media to reach more children!"

"According to Elliot's research, the most influential children's show in South Korea is "Oh! Crazy Kids!" If SOMBRA's targeting kids, this show could be useful to them!" Carmen speculates.

"I agree! Agents, get to the studio that produces "Oh! Crazy Kids!" and see if there's anything out of the ordinary happening there!" she orders.

Adalet and Carmen left the plane, and the reporter drove to the recording studio for Oh! Crazy Kids! After showing their badges at the security gate, they were let inside and directed to park at studio 6. Carmen slowly drove past the buildings until they found the one with a large 6 painted on it and parked in the designated spaces along the side of the building. They used the front entrance to get inside and walked into the brightly lit, colourful stage area.

The stage was large, with the performance area in the middle and two towers with stairs on either side of it. There were also raised benches for judges to sit in off to the side and more lights than they could count illuminating the set. As they climbed onto the stage, they quickly noticed a man pinned underneath a light pillar on the far left staircase. The agents dashed over to the man, but a quick check for a pulse told them he was long gone.

Checking the pillar's base, they saw it was in perfect condition, so it couldn't have fallen over; someone must have pushed it! While Adalet and Carmen were dealing with the body, Hunter found some torn paper on the steps leading up to the stage.

"Looks like danger has already struck the television studio, Adalet! We have another murder victim on our hands!" Carmen exclaimed, "maybe the victim was involved with the show somehow...."

"Given how he's dressed, it's unlikely he was doing the grunt work...." Adalet mused, examining the victim's high-quality suit, "the victim could be a VIP."

"This stage light pillar looks too heavy to have just fallen over by itself," she remarks, "someone must've pushed this pillar on top of the victim and tried to make it look like an accident, but we know better, don't we, Adalet?"

"We'd be out of jobs if we didn't!" she joked, "and since we're such good investigators, we'd never overlook this blood on part of the pillar! Shouldn't be hard to get a sample!"

"And this torn paper could give us a lead in the case if you piece it together!" Carmen says, collecting the pieces Hunter was guarding, "let's get our thinking caps on, Adalet. We have our work cut out for us!"

Carmen holds on to the torn paper as she calls the team to request someone pick up the body. Meanwhile, Adalet gets out a swabbing kit and examines the area she'd spotted the blood on. It was still fresh, so it only took a few seconds of running the cotton through the liquid to collect enough for analysis.

"I've got a perfect blood sample from this chunk of pillar!" Adalet announced once Carmen was off the phone, "let's get it to Lars!"

Carmen passed the younger woman the torn paper, and Adalet accepted it with a nod of thanks. She tapes the matching pieces together and sees that it is a promotional poster for the show featuring a familiar blue-haired Korean pop star.

"Who's on that poster you pieced together? SILVERee? Haven't we seen him before?" Carmen wondered.

"We have, or well, Anders and Jack have," Adalet corrects.

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