Peace and Dead Quiet

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"Anders, according to our information, Guru Om Padmasana is hiding out in the Tiger's Nest Monastery in Bhutan! This Guru is bad news. We know that he's an American by the name of Ezra Hope, and he's studying how to make his followers psychologically dependent on him..." Chief Ripley recaps, "and his tricks obviously work because he gets heaps of donations from his followers. These generous donations are why I've told Elliot to keep an eye on his finances."

"He may not be as dangerous as SOMBRA, but if he thinks the Bureau will not track him down wherever he might be, he's got another thing coming, right, Anders?" Carmen smirked.

"He can run all he wants, but we'll catch him!" Anders declared.

"Quite," Ripley agrees, "Anders, you must get up to the monastery. I warn you; it won't be easy. It's over 10,000 feet above sea level on the edge of a cliff!"

His face fell, "looks like we're getting our steps in today, Carmen!"

"No worries, Chief! Nothing will keep us from getting to that Guru!" Carmen says confidently, "I hope your shoes are comfortable, Anders, cause we have some climbing to do!"

"Off to the monastery with you then! And watch your step!" Ripley warns.

Carmen and Anders drove to the mountain's base and looked at the impending climb. They couldn't even see the top of the mountain from the ground, and the fog circled it in thick clouds. They began ascending the stone stairs climbing higher and higher with each step.

"Why did humans decide to put a monastery on top of a mountain?" Anders asks, keeping an eye out for any dangers.

"It probably seemed like a good idea at the time!" Carmen replies, "do you not have anything like this on New Asgard?"

"Oh, we do; we just have easier ways of getting to them!" he says, running his hand along the side of the stone walls, "the hardest to get to is the Gods' Pavilion. It's a floating island at the end of a waterfall that runs from the royal palace. The only safe way to get there is by taking the enclosed Bifrost bridge or riding a pegasus. The winds are too strong to get there any other way!"

"Well, hopefully, the wind won't prevent us from reaching the monastery!" she prayed, "hey Anders, is that a person up ahead sleeping at that mini alter?"

He squints, "looks like it... That's not a safe place to fall asleep; we should wake him up!"

Anders and Carmen carefully approached the edge of the cliff path where the mini altar was connected to it by a short wooden rope bridge. But once they were close enough, they realized the man wasn't just taking a nap; he was permanently sleeping. And to make the man's death even worse, someone had hacked off his right arm at the bicep, with blood, muscle, and bone exposed in all its gruesome glory. Around the crime scene, Anders spotted a photo featuring the dead man in it and some torn yellow fabric higher up on the staircase.

"I should have known this would happen. Before we can even climb up to the monastery... you find a dead body!" Carmen sighs in disappointment.

"Why are you saying it like that?!" Anders whined, "and besides, you saw him first!"

"You're still with me," she deadpans, "at least that's not the Guru. This poor guy's way too old. And his arm's been hacked off!"

"He's definitely dressed to fit in around here," he remarked, "so he's probably a monk...."

"Did you find any clues that could help with identification?" she inquired.

"There's some torn paper on the steps over there," he points to where he meant, "and this photo beside the mini altar!"

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